My best friend (21M) and I (22M) have known each other for at least a decade. He is the person I trust the most in my life and we’ve shared very personal things with each other that we’ve told no one else about and we’ve been through a lot together. We used to play video games and text each other every day and see each other in person about once week on average. Having a friend like him could be the best that anybody could ask for. All of a sudden he’s just not talking to me. I always have to text him first to have a conversation which always wasn’t the case and when I ask him to play video games or go to the bar he always says he doesn’t feel like it. I’m slowly losing him and it’s making me depressed. I’ve tried asking him what’s wrong and if I did something to push him away from me but he’s never given me an honest answer and just replys with “idk.” I love him like a brother and I’ve reassured to him that I care. He means a lot to me but I have a sense that the feeling is not mutual anymore like it used to be. Thankfully he hasn’t ghosted me and if/when he does, I’m afraid he’ll be gone forever.

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