Men of Reddit, what is one wholesome way you show your friends that you love/care about them?

  1. We in our friend group hug everytime we meet each other. Guys in our thirties and forties. Play regular games together and go out for drinks.

    We also let each other know verbally that we care and support each other.

  2. Turning up, my friends know im down to clown and for them through thick and thin. Affairs, police, work dramas, etc im down with a supportive shoulder, advice or just helping them through it.

    Love and care isnt for when everythings going great, its for when things go bad and you still turn up.

  3. Not wholesome but I’d give them a beer, drink with them let them speak what’s on their mind.

  4. I just fucking tell them that I love them, that they are a brother by choice, and I got their back.

  5. Just being there for them, showing them respect, by being honest with them. Ofc i expect same from them.

  6. Just plan some surprise gifts for them every now and then, trying to figure out what they might want.

    ..and don’t show up to their birthday parties. Because God knows my intoverted ass would spoil any celebratory mood with its presence alone.

  7. They are stressed?

    I walk to their home and drag them out to get some burguers.

    My friends do it for me

    I do it for my friends

  8. Help them anyway I can or just show I want to be around them my current friends like to be around me because I show them I care and love them a lot which I do I’ve always wanted reciprocating friends so bad

  9. If the friend uses the word ‘help’, then I go out of my way to do what I can, no matter how trivial the situation.
    Be there for them. They need it.

  10. I occasionally make baked goods and just show up at their house uninvited say loudly “BREAD’ then smile and go home.

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