How much unpaid overtime do you work in a week?

  1. As a teacher I used to clock 4-6 extra hours per day. Now I might do 4 hours a week.

  2. Zero. My boss is actually a good human being and values the employees of her small business.

    Plus, ild refuse to work and if they didnt pay me for it, ild contact the state labor board instantly

  3. I’m a teacher. I try not to think about it.

    I do make a point of not grading anything at home, but that just means I’m in my classroom for way too long after school some days.

  4. None. I don’t clock out until I’m finished with my work. If you are not exempt and working unpaid overtime, that is illegal. At least in my state, not sure about federal law regarding exemption status. If you clock out and your employer asks you to stay and do something else, clock back in.

  5. Zero. There are times when I don’t even work the hours I’m scheduled. There’s not much opportunity for OT where I work.

  6. None. Luckily since we’re short-staffed, all overtime is pre-approved. Just have to let the boss know if it’s a significant chunk of time.

  7. Where I’m from unless you are salary it is illegal to not pay overtime for hours worked above 40, even if you gave verbal or written consent to work 40+ and not get paid overtime, still illegal

  8. Zero, I’m on salary. But, when my employees work over time, they get time and a half. If you’re not, that’s a problem.

  9. I used to go upwards into the 50s but now I have set myself some boundaries and do my contracted salaried hours. I am in NZ.

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