So, I am tech worker in India, who met a really pretty girl online. We chatted for a month, and became somewhat really good friends. I almost spent 20 hours on chat with her, and she was extremely friendly on chat. We shared a lot of stories about our lives for hours on chat, and cracked a lot of jokes on chat. She seemd to have a huge friend circle and thus seemed almost always busy on weekends. Finally met her on an evening, spoke for around 45 minutes, and then, to my surprise she seemed to give a lame excuse and then departed on a cab, without even saying a proper goodbye. She seemed to be less talkative and more shy than what I had imagined, and she seemed to be telling me something like “wow, you are nerdy and intelligent, but yes, very differrent from me” kinda. But I am somewhat surprised as to how she left just like that, while she could have at least spoken as a friend for some time. And then, she never messaged me again on chat, even though I was waiting for a cordial message at least, considering that we were talking on chat almost on a daily basis before meeting.
Is it a good idea to message her back in spite of such a slap on the face, and then ask for her thoughts about me?
I at least wanted to know what exactly made her lose interest, so that it can help me in the future.

  1. dude you are done. she rejected you big time. dont waste your dignity by reaching out to her. move on bro. it happens, sometimes when people meet the physical chemistry isn’t there. she bailed bro.

  2. Don’t message her back. Her reaction does not warrant a further response from you. It’s disappointing yes, but she quite clearly didn’t feel it on the date, and connected differently compared to how she did over text.

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