Vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, pescaritarian, animal-based, eating with the seasons, carnivore? What have you played around with and what have you found works for you?

  1. Meat. I eat meat. I like fish too. I’ll eat veggies but I can’t live on that alone. I know people do I’m not one of them

  2. Mine is heavily built around being post op for gastric sleeve surgery. My diet is protein-heavy, but low in mass. Also, post op, my stomach dislikes several things I used to like – hard boiled eggs, shrimp, and red meat (too scared to try scallops!). It looooooooves mushrooms, zucchini, and hot drinks, though.

  3. What I grow at home is meat, eggs berries, veggies, fruit. We’re in an extreme cold climate so we still have to rely on the grocery store for fresh fruit and veg year round and pantry staples

  4. I was vegan in the past.

    Currently my diet is pretty unhealthy as I cannot put much effort into making food thanks to my depression.

  5. Low carb, low dairy. I’m lactose intolerant and carbs make me bloated and constipated.

    I mostly eat meat and veggies for meals, and leave carbs for small snacks.

  6. Meat and veggies, I do a lot of working out and nothing seems to satisfy my hunger than a good juicy steak.

  7. Around GERD problems lol. But I like the idea of eating seasonally – especially from local places.

  8. Pescatarian (just a few times a month or less) and plant based whenever possible. I was a vegetarian/vegan for 13 years, but I also struggle with disordered eating and introducing fish & eggs back into my diet seems to keep me more balanced.

  9. I was a pescatarian for about 4 years. Great for reducing meat intake, but I was always tired and my iron levels dropped (my fault for not supplementing). I now just eat normally and do not exclude anything. I feel healthier, happier, and am hardly ever fatigued.

    Have also tried the ketogenic diet. Works wonders if you’re looking to lose some weight. I was fuller for longer and it put me in a great mood. However, it was too restrictive and I could not maintain it long term. I love fruit and my carbs too much….

  10. I’ve been pescatarian for 8 years now! Biggest thing I noticed when I stopped eating land meat (as I like to call it) was decreased bloating. I also LOVE beans and never liked meat that much anyways so it’s not too difficult for me. I realized that I’ve been unintentionally following a Mediterranean diet for the most part, which has helped me to include a balance of proteins and fats in my diet.

  11. Vegetarian. I’ll still cook up a steak for my boyfriend, I don’t like the texture/taste.

  12. I have one veg meal, one fish meal and one meat meal a day. Each of my meals (except for when I have a sweet brekkie) I’ll have at least 3 servings of veg with.

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