Just to make it clear, I date for it to last long (forever even) and for it to be worth it. I don’t just date around because I think it’s fun.

Is there some kind of check list or test I have to put him through before I know he’s the one? Is it shallow of me to do that? Do I just wing it and see where that takes me?

Also, he’s a very good friend of mine, so I don’t want to do anything that’ll hurt him or ruin our friendship.

  1. Well first off if there is a list it would have to come from you but even aside from that the only way you will know if he is the one is by getting to know him and asking yourself if you see a future with him if you have questions ask him if the assumption is he will lie to you then he isn’t the one anyway heck you could just be like “hey I think I want to try a relationship with you but I want to know a few things first like if you would also be interested in that” if it’s a real friendship it can survive it if one of you is interested and the other isn’t anyway

  2. Definitely don’t do a mental checklist. The chances that someone fills every mental bubble you have are very low and it defeats the purpose of a relationship. You’re trying to date a person, someone who isn’t perfect but you’re willing to accept and grow with, not a checklist. There’s really nothing you can ever do to be 100% certain that someone will be the someone for you all your life before you give them a chance. If you feel some type of way about him just let it happen naturally and see where things take you. Breakups also don’t always have to be “malicious” or “ruin things” if things don’t work out then so be it, it’s a part of life and accepting that can help you guys stay friends.

  3. What do you mean “the one”? You are supposed to date to figure this out. They aren’t the “one” just to be asked out. And by the way, “the one” is not one sided. They have to feel that way too, thus you date for a while.

  4. Wtf, u don’t “decide if someones the one” before even goin on a with him, what planet du live on?

  5. It’s called dating. You date a person for a while and if you like him you try to move it towards a more exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. But this is why you date and you don’t go instantly exclusive/married on second 0.

    Now about hurting him, I got some bad news. In a relationship two things happen:

    * You break up

    or worse –

    * You get married.

    And most people break up. When you break up, someone wants the breakup more than the other person so the other person will get hurt. This is how things are.

    So if you date him and you find he’s not “The One” you’ll have to let “NEO” down or commit yourself to a loveless marriage which I’m sure is not better than option 1. Or you can just make his life miserable and get him to drop you and make him think it’s his idea to breakup (which makes it hurt less).

    As for a checklist or test, just go out and look at his confidence, attitude, self-control and self-esteem. I bet that within 3 to 10 dates you’ll know if you want to be in an exclusive relationship with the guy. Most women drop guys within 3 dates, with most of them not even seeing date 2 or 3 so heeeeeey. It won’t that take long.

    But no, there’s no magical way to know if he’s “The One”. You gotta follow the White Dating Rabbit Trinity.

  6. You’ll never know the answer to that question if you don’t go out with him. It’s impossible to know that without getting to know someone through intentionally dating them.

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