This is my first post on Reddit. I usually don’t post anything online but, I am in desperate need of advice. Me and my fiance of 6 months are in love, she treats me like gold. always telling me how much she loves me,she panics if it looks like we May break up ,wich isn’t often and she always says the sweetest things to me ,wich sounds great but there’s one problem, and it’s not her.

It’s me I am way to attached to her. I worry all the time about losing her, I worry about her finding someone better,and I worry about her cheating on me ,It’s to the point where it has ate a hole through me, and my life. Im always nervous, scared, anxious,and depressed. When we’re apart and,I am always crying seems like. She knows nothing of this,and I don’t let it be known to her. I don’t smother her.

I don’t double text her .I try not to reply to soon to her text so she thinks everything is normal, but deep down it’s destroying me and, breaking up with her isn’t an option. I just want to be with her and manage these problems,I am having we’re getting married in December and ,she’ says she can’t wait to marry me and for me to adopt her daughter. Any advice on how to work on myself would help. I’m quite lonely and don’t have many friends anymore after high school and,everytime I try to work on myself or my confidence I find I can’t cause the intrusive thoughts destroy me.I also suffer from OCD if that helps anything thanks in advance also have been done terrible by previous girlfriends over the years.

Tl Dr: I am too attached to my Fiance and I need help to break through this anxiety I have a get my life back on track while keeping her in my life.

  1. I’d you’ve only been dating 6 months then you are loving way too fast. Outside of that you need to find things that make you happy that don’t involve your partners. Hobbies, sports, etc. It is way to dangerous to out so much of your happiness associated to a person

  2. You’re engaged after only 6 months?! 🚩
    I think therapy would help you. This sounds more like obsession than love.

  3. Some people find “the one” and know that it’s them within 6m-1year of dating, it really just depends on the situation. That being said, it seems like you recognize you may have some mental health issues that could be exacerbating your attachment. I would say seek professional help to settle that and then see where you stand with your fiancé. Also, both of you are very young and most people change a lot in their 20s-30s. There is nothing wrong with a longer engagement to make sure you sort out your issues and to see if you both still align with each other

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