Hey, I’m M 22 athletic with dark green eyes and brown hair. I have a legit micro penis 2.5 inches fully erect. I have to say that having a micro penis is mostly in your head. By that I mean that it’s like anything else. You need to learn how to navigate potential pitfalls. Such as accepting that you may not be someone’s cup of tea. You can’t really penetrate a woman so you need to work hard in other areas. If you have your hands and mouth and you take care of your body and mind. You’ll do just fine. The fix is simple. Stop watching porn. Don’t compare yourself to others. Most importantly respect yourself. If someone tries to degrade you for your dick size don’t ever speak to them again. You only want those in your life who will help you grow and become better. Respect applies to dating too. If someone cheats on you never give them the light of day. Anything else and you’re just lying to yourself and worse telling them it’s okay, do this to me again. There are no consequences for abusing me. Life is way more then just sex. The greatest men on the planet were not judged for their ability to penetrate women but their success and unwavering resolve to accomplish their goals. So don’t lose hope. Push forward. Change your habits. Put yourself out there. Go meet some cute women! If they don’t like you because of your dick then its their loss.

I think it’s important to remember that you decide your worth. Everyday when you wake up you decide what you’re feeding on. Bad habits that make you doubt yourself or hate yourself like porn or other drugs, eating fast food, hanging around negative/destructive people, not exercising , or good habits like exercise, meditation, stepping outside of your comfort zone, approaching that cute girl even if you don’t know how it will end. Do it!! In my life I’ve never once regretted trying something new but I’ve always regretted not trying at all. In highschool I had a crush. She was super cute and in a grade above me. I wanted to ask her out to prom. But I was afraid, so stuck in my head about my micro and worrying about what people might think of me if they found out, that I didn’t make a move. I regret that more than anything. Even today because I have to wonder what if? Now any girl I’m even a little attracted to I go for it. I’ve never regretted it because at least I know how it ended. it either taught me a lot or I had one fun time!! You either win or you learn!

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