How did your last date go? What did you do and how did it end?

  1. It was a first date, so I usually go for a no pressure sort of deal, either just coffee or a decent restaurant. In this case, it was a café that did simple dishes and coffee.

    She showed up 45 minutes late with a friend in tow. Only reason I was still there was because the barista was very kind and comforted me when I told her that I was pretty sure I got stood up. My date greeted me, I apologized for intruding on her date with her friend and left.

    So…I guess it really ended before it began. Good coffee though. And that barista was extremely cute. If I didn’t think she was just being nice to the pathetic guy that sat around waiting for a date for 45 minutes, I would have asked for her number.

  2. She came over to my place and we went out for food. Came back, hung out and chatted for several hours, then ended up spending the rest of the night in bed. Neither of us had done the first-date sex thing before, but it felt right in the moment and no one had any regrets.

  3. I’ve not dated in 19 years but gotta be honest I climbed out of a Pubs bathroom window..

  4. Horrible. Wasn’t in the frame of mind for dating(still that way) and she was an arrogant, condescending, sexist pain in the ass that was really loud and wouldn’t shut up about herself for a couple hours, couldn’t have a conversation with her, not that I’m great at conversation or anything. Couldn’t stand her, so I just politely told her what the deal was and I have to go and fucked off, she got pissed off, dont really care. I’ve enjoyed single life since.

  5. She asked to meet me *via* POF. I guessed that she would find me lacking. I was unprepared for her obvious revulsion at meeting me at a coffee shop. Both of us were in our late 60’s and I expected more poise, but I have to accept that reaction if I’m old, fat and ugly, eh?

    She was a retired teacher and explained her methods of **total domination** for class control. I was scared. I thought about her former pupils and wondered if a ball gag was my future with her. That’s not my kink.

    She asked where I parked. I described a remote part of the lot. “Oh,” she asked, “did you park there to protect your nice car from careless people?”

    Her eyes widened when I explained, “No. I’ve got a weather beater with a crushed passenger side skirt. I simply park far away from any building so that I never have to compete for a closer space.”

    We left. She sent me a message that she was sure we wouldn’t work out. She included some soothing words about me, which were total lies. I edited the experience into my POF profile:

    >In the past, I have enhanced environmental self-awareness: Meeting me inspires scrutiny of the room to determine an escape route. Not all display obvious discomfort signs upon meeting me. However, if you do, I will maintain my composure instead of calling attention to something that cannot be helped. I will not need an explanation.

  6. Short movie and food date after she got off work. She loved the restaurant I took her to and didn’t want me to leave after I spend a good 2 hours at her place taking a nap with her

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