Is your frontyard separated from your backyard by a fence?

  1. Not currently. We left the fence around three sides of the back yard because it’s shared with neighbors, but took down the gate because we don’t have kids, dogs, or a pool.

  2. Nope. Although the lot is bounded by old-ass stone walls. I like to joke the best way to start a civil war in my small town is to go on the town Facebook page and post for or against them and see what happens.

  3. I’m at my parents house in Oregon right now. It’s manage by an HOA so there is a fence separating the “front yard” (they live in High Desert so the front yard is just dirt and big rocks) from the back yard.

    In Arkansas, we have no fence. It just gradually blends from front yard to back yard and vice versa. Kind of wished we did because one of our cats escaped, like, 4 times and it took forever to catch her again because she would just run into other peoples yards.

  4. I live in an apartment that is bordered in the front and back by a street and the left and right by other buildings, there is no yard to be seen. The house I grew up in, that my parents still live in, does not have a fence of any kind.

  5. I have no fence at all.

    I have lived at a couple places with fenced back yards and open front yards though.

  6. There is a fence/gate separating things, but it crosses the driveway to the garage which is towards the back. The house is what really separates the front yard from the backyard.

  7. Fences that include the front yard are much less common than backyard fences. I don’t have a fence, but if I did, then it would likely just be a backyard fence.

  8. Yeah, I have a fence around the backyard. The fence meets the house at the two back corners.

  9. My backyard is more of an enclosed yard inside of a larger yard. Enclosed yard contains plants that aren’t supposed to be visible to the general public.

  10. My apartment has no front yard but the backyard is completely fenced off. My parent’s house is in town center’s historical district so they couldn’t build a fence.

  11. Mine is, but it’s not weird to have a house without fences at all here, so naturally those yards wouldn’t be separated.

  12. Yes. Backyard is completely fenced in but front yard is not fenced at all. To make it more interesting, I have a backyard in my backyard separated by a fence

  13. Yes. My fence goes from the sides of the house around back. I prefer this set up because my dogs can be in the back and the front door is easily accessible without having to open and close a gate. Almost everyone I know has this set up but we also have quite large yards.

  14. Yes. The fence is about 10 feet from the front of the house, goes to the left and right edge of the property and all the way back and around to enclose my property in the back.

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