Hi, I am a new nurse graduate from California. I never became close with most of my classmates. The personality of most nurses was always a bit much for me. I deleted/blocked most of them recently because they kept messaging me asking me which local hospitals I am applying to? And I don’t mean they ask 1x, they repeatedly ask every week since graduation in December about various positions they see online. I am trying to work on my anxiety and gain confidence towards working in a hospital setting as nurse. Each time they send me something and ask what I am doing rn besides studying for the nursing board exam (NCLEX) I get very flustered and mad. I don’t want to blow up on them so I block. I was curious if any other college grads have encountered this problem in other fields or is it just nursing? Do you think ignoring them is rude or understandable in this situation? I understand that this seems like appropriate small talk to some but to me it’s very annoying lol

1 comment
  1. I’m sorry if I missed this and you already said this somewhere, but have you tried just… Telling them you find it stressful and politely asking them to stop bringing it up? I might be missing something about tone or context here, but that seems like the kind of thing people might bring up trying to be helpful, like if they saw the listing and thought you’d like it but were worried you wouldn’t see.

    It wasn’t as common in the degree I graduated in as it seems to be with your peers, but people have occasionally asked me “Oh did you see X position is open?” as a kind of friendly “thinking of you” type gesture. I can see why the frequency seems excessive – I am an introvert and that much contact would probably bother me too – but it doesn’t seem like they’re being intentionally rude or anything.

    If it helps, think about the fact that they must think of you as competent or they wouldn’t be suggesting jobs to you. Nobody promotes jobs to someone they think would be bad at them! But it’s totally okay to brush it off with a bland “oh thanks maybe I’ll look at that” (whether or not you actually will) OR just say you appreciate the thought but you’d rather take your time exploring the options yourself. There’s no obligation to actually look into any random job people send you if you don’t want to, especially if they don’t know you well enough to have a good handle on what you’re actually looking for.

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