Have been seeing a lot of videos/ tik toks of guys being branded as creeps for asking for something/ glancing at a woman/ helping a woman at the gym. I think these are completely normal things to do at the gym. But even if a guy is hitting on a woman IRL is that wrong? Do women not want to be approached/ hit on at the gym or any place for that matter? Asking if approaching women apart from dating apps/ social media platforms is something that is ok to do or is it discouraged?

  1. Women are on the defensive 100% of the time till they trust you. They know if you’re just trying to be nice, or if you’re helping because you think they’ll play with your wiener.

  2. Approach women in places designed for it. Bars, Single events, speed dating events, stuff like that. And when you do approach don’t approach with any expectations. Talk to her about something interesting. Aka one of your interests and see if you have common ground. Don’t go in with expectations of a phone number or intimacy. What gets men labeled a creep is the way they approach.

    A lot of those videos on tik tok are staged but some of the ones we see posted, the woman had told the guy to leave her alone or it’s the 3-5th approach by the guy.

  3. Maybe I’m in the minority, but when I was single, I specifically got a gym membership so I could try to meet guys and was then dismayed when noone approached me. So yes, some women do want to be approached at the gym. However, if you do it, make sure it is genuine. Don’t just come up and start saying generic pick-up lines. Actually have an authentic conversation. Find something about her that actually interests you (besides her looks) and have an authentic conversation before asking for her number.

  4. approaching is fine, but hitting on people is frowned upon at the gym. Get to know them a little first before you flirt and take the hint if they don’t want to talk. Don’t just follow girls around and stare though without making a move… that’s just weird.

  5. Approaching women is okay to do, it’s gotten a bad stigma because guys have done it in the past and weren’t very tactile, knew what to say, or felt awkward and uncomfortable which in turn makes the girl feel uncomfortable.

  6. If they open to dating, find you attractive, you didn’t approach her weirdly then yeah most likely she wouldn’t mind however if it’s not this then most likely she will mind.

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