what is the most annoying thing you have to do on a daily basis?

  1. Get out of the house in the middle of the day under the scorching sun (94°F) to go to college just to attend ONE lecture. And to hear random rumours about myself (not always enjoyable).

  2. Wash dishes on top of the million other chores that have to be done everyday and sometimes multiple times a day. 2 things that are never-ending dishes and laundry.

  3. Going to the bathroom. I’m pregnant so I already pee a shit ton, and also I drink a gallon of water a day. Combine those two things and I’m in the bathroom pretty much all day

  4. My dental hygiene routine. I’m currently in braces prepping for reconstructive jaw surgery. I know my dental hygiene routine is for the better/good for my health, but HOLY CHEESECAKES. It takes so long! A solid 30-35 minutes each night. Almost an entire Netflix episode.

  5. bathroom number 2 . Sometimes I wish we were like cars and “humans gas” was just water saves so much time

  6. Clean. The so is cooking and doing most of the things concerned with planning, shopping, etc, so cleaning is my responsibility but sometimes I really don’t wanna do it, because life is a mess and stuff gets messy quickly and waaaah.

    And 10 minutes into it I am jamming, the music is up and I am enjoying myself, I feel good about having everything put away, because when everything is messy I go bananas. But the first 5 minutes of starting to clean or making myself do it are annoying. 😂

    Edited for unintentionally using a word disallowed as per the rules.

  7. Anything involving maintaining my appearance and hygeine. Like I do it because it’s necessary, but I am grumpy about it. I hate doing my makeup and hair in the morning, I don’t like taking the time to shower, trim my nails, and getting ready for bed at night, which is taking off my makeup, washing my face, putting my hair up, brushing and flossing my teeth. All this stuff takes like 2 hours out of my day that I could spend on other things.

  8. The daily routine of applying to jobs and not hearing back. “Another day, another slay” mentality isn’t really working

  9. Take my dog out, I went from a house to an apartment so the adjustment has been a real pain. Especially when it’s cold and raining. In the end she’s worth it though!

  10. The amount of water I drink. I have to pee like 12 times a day. I have to pee as I type this now

  11. Eat

    Just gimme a pill I can take instead FFS. Can’t be arsed cooking and dealing with all the food-related stuff.

  12. Guess what my kids want to eat for dinner. I’m on a medically-directed diet containing many foods they won’t eat. Yet they still ask me “what’s for dinner?” And I’m all like “I don’t know, what do you want? I’ll make it, but you have to decide.”

  13. Having to ask for help with home stuff. It would be nice if they helped without being asked. If I don’t ask, I have to do it all because no one else notices the dogs need to go out, or there’s dishes in the sink.

  14. Small talk. This is more of a daily work grievance, but it’s tiring. Sometimes I want to just say, “My weekend was fine, the weather still sucks, and I don’t care about what you watched on Netflix.”

  15. Shower! I hate showering, I hate getting wet, I think I was a cat in my previous life. I do it every day but I am NOT happy about it.

  16. Eating. I don’t like eating. Most things aren’t particularly tasty and it’s just a big waste of time. If I could live on pills, I would.

  17. housework…. there isn’t any one chore I do every day so I can’t be more specific… but I especially dislike cleaning the shower. I hate it so much, that I usually do 2 walls and half the floor at a time.

  18. Jog by this one guy, I don’t even know where he lives, but he’s always walking his dog at the exact time I go for a run. He always tries to say hi and I just smile and keep jogging because I’m doing cardio, kindly stay in your lane, Sir. Without fail, he always yells after me, “Ok, nice talk, same time tomorrow?” and then laughs.

    I hate it. I hate it so much. I would jog any other time if I could but it’s the only consistently free time slot that also coincides with daylight for me.

  19. wOrk with toxic co-workers who are stealing my credit.

    I am tired of this crap now.
    Daily having fights with my family as well. My mom will repeatedly say things/mistakes which I had in the past and my family is always talking about my shitty co-workers being so good at doing their job.
    And telling me that everyone will switch their companies go and earn more but u will always stay behind. Her words really hurt me a lot. I would appreciate her 5 min silence sometimes.

    I am tired of this. I am living because I cannot die. I wish I was a rock

    Really tired of this crap. I am tired .

  20. Right now? Give a guinea pig his medicine. (Luckily it’s only for 2 more weeks)

    It’s cherry flavored. He doesn’t like fruit, so he fights me about taking it.

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