What toxic behaviour did your previous partner exhibit that made you decide to end the relationship?

  1. She was a bitch everytime she drank. Shouting, hitting, belittling me. Everytime. Iam not even a party-person so i usually drove and got her. But then on the way home she fell asleep and when i woke her up, she was always mean. She hated to be woken up but u couldnt just let her on the train and go home alone, can I? anyway, at first i stopped getting her and after we broke up my stress induced headaches went away.

  2. Started an argument because I didn’t text her back right away.. I was at my great uncle’s wake.

    Ended a 14 year relationship the second I got home. This was just the latest in a long line of shitty things she’d done. Thankfully I’m in a very happy, healthy relationship now and didn’t realise things could be this good

  3. The typical thing women do when they realize you’re an emotionally available person: act like everything is a crisis because they think you’ll drop whatever you’re doing and coddle them.

  4. Expecting me to be the primary person responsible for managing her insecurities but not working with me on mine. It is incredibly draining to have to constantly worry about your own problems and then also have to be concerned about someone else’s insecurities when they aren’t doing much themselves in that avenue.

  5. Indecisiveness. Didn’t know what she wanted, didn’t know when she got it, didn’t know if we were working, etc.

  6. lying, gas lighting, calling me names, and assault and battery.

    red flags I missed: no friends, no money, blames everyone else for their own stupid choices, and blames me for not saving them from themselves.

  7. Making me feel guilty anytime I hung out with friends. Idk what it is but every woman I’ve dated completely stops hanging around their friends once we’re together. I had to actively try and set up days where my ex would hang with a friend so I can go hang with my friends guilt free without feeling like I needed to rush back home.

  8. * There is a lot here so I will break it down in point form.
    * She complained all the time
    * She got angry with me for taking a neutral stance in politics
    * They didn’t like that I didn’t support Amber Heard in the defamation suit (keep in mind this was back in 2019).
    * She started drama with my friend and got angry with me for not getting angry with my friend (she has an emotional support dog and my friend threw a party. She couldn’t come cause my friend’s landlord prevents animals from being in his unit).
    * All of her friends were sketch and I felt incredibly uncomfortable around them.
    * She shamed me for not being okay with her getting into porn
    * She was a hoarder
    * She was incredibly disrespectful of her parents

    and the worse of them all… She sexually assaulted me.

  9. Inability to communicate. Full stop.

    Wasn’t able to communicate that something was bothering her. She would not even try to have a conversation about anything that bugged her the entire relationship.

    I started to resent her for it as she continued to not communicate and she started to pull away so I just ended it.

  10. Constantly trying to find something to argue about, getting mad she can’t find any issue then makes it an issue that there is no issues

  11. She had this weird quirk of leaving the house early and placing her ex’s penis inside of her. And then was dumbfounded that I was angry with her when I found out.

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