Are there any hats similar to a cowboy hat that I can wear in the northeastern US without looking weird?

  1. Brimmed hats are tough. Not a lot of people can pull them off. Panama hats have a similar look to cowboy hats, but they’re a little less specific. I think they could work in hot/sunny weather in a lot of different regions.

  2. Generally nope

    Some guys wear broad brimmed hats for fishing or hiking, but its not a day to day thing normally.

  3. No. Hats are a weird affectation nowadays. (Except baseball caps and winter gear, of course.)

  4. A fedora works best with a jacket, while a Panama hat can work with shorts & a tropical shirt. Other classic hats are definitely rather weird unless one dresses more formally, as they did in the era such hats were more popular.

  5. Brimmed hats aren’t really a thing for most men in the US. Wear what you want, but you may stand out.

  6. Are you asking if there’s a hat that looks like a cowboy hat, but worn in the northeast? Is so, no.

    Are you asking if there’s a common type of hat worn in the northeast? If so, yes, baseball caps. Or, in winter, various stocking hats/knit hats.

  7. Wear whatever damned had you want and to hell with anyone who has a problem with it. Wear a fedora with jogging shorts, an homburg with jeans and a t shirt, an outback hat with a track suit, or a bowler to the beach. Just don’t wear a boater in NYC after Labor Day.

    Also, r/hats is a thing.

  8. I’m from West Virginia, a lot of older generation tends to wear brimmed hats of a wide variety, however I got funny looks wearing either a cowboy hat or even my flat brimmed gambler hat as a younger person.

  9. There isn’t but if you really want to wear one go right ahead. Sounds like from other replies you have made here that you already wear them so I’d say keep it up when you move up this way.

  10. Just wear the cowboy hat. If people ask why just tell them you’re from Texas and have always worn one and feel weird without it. Nobody will seriously give a fuck, but i bet some people will start calling you “Tex.”

  11. Gonna be honest, I don’t think many people are going to care very much beyond thinking, “huh, that guy is wearing a cowboy hat.” If even that much.

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