How do you gain your confidence and happiness back after getting cheated on?

  1. What advice would you give to a friend? Focus on yourself, learn from it…and realise that’s not going to be the experience everytime.

  2. In my case, 17 years marriage, wife went full midlifecrisis sex sprees multiple psrtners, while coming home playing mom and subtlry gaslightning her kids n me…

    Confidence didnt take much of a hit. Of course its anoying in a small town, not knowing all of them partners and stuff she did, having to deal with that. But in the end it was her lies and decisions.

    Happyness is the awful part, it will stay away for a long time. I had the luck that she morphed into a total monster, her kids sided with me and broke all contact with her. So i drew alot power out of that. But in the end you get used to it and time heals. New contacts arise, the game starts fresh but with better knowledge about it.

  3. 1) Whatever anyone does to you is a reflection of themselves, not you. Don’t victim blame.

    2) Happiness isn’t a thing. Human brains aren’t designed to feel it, whatever that may be, so let go of the fantasy already. What is a thing, however, is the satisfaction you feel after helping someone else, by being an integral part of a community of any kind, by being needed. And that’s probably the feeling you miss the most after someone cheats on you. We’re designed by nature to live in a community and contribute to a community, and only there we can find our purpose. So join a club, start sharing your skills, help out, volunteer, whatever, and you’ll start feeling like part of the whole wide world instead of a little dot in it.

  4. 1. Get rid of the cheating partner.
    2. Understand the cheating is the fault of the cheater and not because of the inadequacies of the cheated partner.
    3. See a therapist.
    4. Socialise with your friends. There’s will be day you’d feel low where you want to sleep in, do nothing, eat and watch TV. Never do that otherwise you fill in a rut.
    5. Go to the gym. Make it more consistent and channel your pent anger frustration & sadness into weight training or combat sports.
    6. Talk to other girls.
    7. Read book on narcissist and narcissism & s elf development books.

  5. The answer is always lifting lol.

    Get with a physician and see about maybe getting some test pellets implanted in your ass. If you’re a fat ass get yourself on mounjaro. Better living through chemistry, my friend.

    Then get your ass into the gym and lift. You also don’t really need a gym. Push-ups, pull ups, and body squats and get you fit.

  6. Work on yourself. Go to the gym, learn new stuff, keep yourself busy. It happens man. Just get up and keep going. You got this.

  7. Go out with friends, have a good time remember that I can still be happy without someone.

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