
Hi, I’m a 21(M) student and I’ve seen a 20(F) for almost a month now. She is in my school and I see her about 3 to 4 days a week, we talk quite a bit in and after class together, but have not done any activities outside school yet. We have a good friendly relationship, we hug a lot each other. She doesn’t have a bf.

The thing is my school term finishes in 2 weeks and I will not be able to see her anymore on a daily basis after that. I truly love her deeply inside my heart and I feel like I have to take some serious steps with this opportunity here, but I don’t know what to say or what to do at all. I’m completely clueless about the situation.

Advices would be helpful.

(I also don’t have my own place she doesn’t either)

  1. This might seem kinda basic: You probably need to ask her out and go on a proper date with her. Make intentions clear it’s a date. You’re going to need to shoot your shot otherwise she will just start to see you as a really good friend and that will be it. Some would call this classic “friendzoning”.

    If you are serious about taking the next step ask her out.

  2. Tell her something like “Im bummed this class is ending, I wont be able to see you as much. Lets exchange numbers so we can go out sometime”. Main thing is just get her number so you can ask her out forreal.

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