If you see your significant other playing with children/good with kids does it make you see her more positively/want kids with her?

  1. Always in a positive light. My partner is great with kids. Ik she’ll be a great mother.

  2. I think this will vary a lot depending on if the man wants kids or not.

    Personally, I don’t want kids, so I prefer women who are independent and are purely interested in the romantic side of relationships. It doesn’t really make me feel anything to see how she acts around kids.

  3. She’s preggers so I’m not sure how much *more* I could want a kid with her.

    It is nice to watch though.

  4. She doesn’t like kids, so I would think she either has been drugged or had a concussion.

  5. Our kids are adults themselves now. How I felt was “thank you for giving me some time off”

  6. I’m older and have kids from a previous marriage. I do not want more. She’s younger and is mostly set on not having kids.

    When I see her interact with her nieces and nephew, I see how intentional she is about it. She cares about them and is genuinely interested in their growth and well being. It says a lot about who she is as a person, and reminds me how lucky I am to have her.

    It also wears her out, and reinforces her decision to not have kids of her own. That’s a relief to me, given our situation. And, selfishness aside, I think it’s the right call. She’s the type to be very deliberate and careful. As a parent, I know you can’t control everything. Sooner or later, you have to let go and roll the dice. I think she would have a very difficult time with that.

  7. I always wanted to be a dad, so a woman who was good with children was a “need” on my checklist. I dated a lot of teachers and now my wife is a teacher and she’s amazing with our kids.

  8. It’s a complicated mix of emotions, because we both really want kids, but we’re your classic millennials who did all the steps we were told to do for a successful life, and are *still* living paycheck to paycheck. We can’t afford kids, nor a stable environment for them to be raised in. It sucks, because when I see my wife play with kids it makes me long for kids of our own, but it also makes me get angry about capitalism haha

  9. The reason I don’t want kids is because I have BPD and can barely manage my own needs, let alone a tiny crotch goblin who can’t be left alone for 20 minutes.

    I also wouldn’t want to have my SO go through labour and childbirth just to pass on my inherited ADHD and addictive tendencies.

    And in all honesty if she was playing with kids and really enjoying it, I’d feel awful for not being able to provide that for her, but it doesn’t change the fact that my bloodline should end with me.

  10. I hate it!

    I despise her for doing it!


    These questions sometimes….SMH…

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