Men of Reddit, what are a few things that your girls do (or haven’t done yet but you’d like them to) that you consider romantic gestures?

  1. Shit I like when she takes ME out on dates. Know how nice it is to be able to eat & not worry about the check or anything at all.

  2. Bring me a cup of coffee while I’m still in bed…it’s just so nice.
    Or a beer when I am working on the jeep or doing something laborious.

  3. Write me a note or a letter telling me how you feel about me. I love doing that stuff. Would love someone to do it back.

    We walk around life a lot of times and never tell people how we feel about them. I try to tell people how I feel about them at least once a year in a letter or a note. Life’s too short.

  4. I wrote poems. Our culture doesn’t make it easy to find an audience for that. When a partner asks me to read her a poem, and listens close enough to smile at the little wordplays and cadences I tucked into it, it satisfies something deep in my psyche and I get very enamoured.

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