I (26F) was seeing (30M) for 2 months. We would talk everyday, but he would hardly initiate plans. I would see him around every 2 weeks, but I wanted to see him more. We would text everyday throughout the day. The last time we hung out, we talked about seeing each other the next day. Fast forward to the next day, he said he couldn’t see me because he was going to his parents house. (This is the second time he kinda blew off plans, without any suggestion of the next time we would see eachother.) I said it was ok, and we exchanged a few messages. I then realized, I couldn’t do it anymore, and decided to stop replying/talking to him. He messaged me the following day with an emoji, and the day after that with a meme of a sad puppy. 2 days after, I noticed he took down his Instagram.

I feel bad about kinda ghosting him, but it seems like what’s best for me to move on. It’s been a week without talking, should I reach out to him to check on him? I think it’s unusual he took down his Instagram, because he would always watch reels and check it. (Confirmed I’m not blocked,had my friends checked and his profile doesn’t come up anymore).

  1. yeah don’t reach out to him. If you just broke it off like an adult and told him why you weren’t interested then you might have some kind of closure, but you chose to just ghost him, so you aren’t really entitled to that anymore. Take it as a lesson.

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