You know how sometimes you just get depressed and sad and you want to tell someone but you have no one to tell? What do you do?

  1. I get like that every once in a while for a random day or two. Normally I’ll ride it out and try to eat some good food, listen to some good music, and coax myself into doing something I would usually enjoy, even if I don’t particularly feel like it. Getting outside, getting some exercise, spending time around animals/family usually help me as well.

    Sometimes though I can’t get myself to do anything other than lay in bed and wallow in it and try to process what I’m feeling. If that happens, usually getting some sleep acts as a reset for me. I try not to be too hard on myself but I also try not to let myself spiral into negativity since it’s always been a temporary thing.

  2. Following I feel the same.

    I’m surrounded by people & family, but never felt so lonely in my life

  3. Blog about it.

    I have an anonymous blog, it’s mostly just for me, I just write things down and get it out. I find it helps.

  4. Not for everyone but I smoke a spliff, get comfortable watching something that normally brings me comfort, then I think about all the things in my life that I’m enjoying. And I compare it to how bad life was before so I can feel grateful for how far I’ve come.

    I refuse to entertain thoughts of self pity or wallowing, I literally just list off all the good things in my life til I feel better by force, for example:

    NHS so I don’t have to worry about going bankrupt if I get sick and can’t work, I am a UK 8 even after having my daughter and my body still looks the same. I am physically healthy with no disabilities, I can cook and eat what I want when I want, and I have access to hot and cold, drinkable running water whenever I want. I can have an education, I can wear what I want. I live in a busy and thriving city with lots to do. I had a good pregnancy and an empowering birth just how I planned it. I have supportive family and friends and a husband that bends over backwards for me and allows me to be my best self. I work from home so no horrible commute, my mother is my childcare so I don’t have to spend 4k a month paying a stranger to watch my baby, and the list goes on!

  5. I write about how I’m feeling, I try and read work of people that explain being sad and lonely way better than I ever will.
    More recently though, I’ve just been going to places alone (the lake, my car, mountain, ect.) and just screaming. Sometimes the anguish just bubbles up within me too much and I have to let it out. Real guttural, curdling screams. They make me feel much better.

  6. Cry. If it’s during the day I’ll go workout or play with my dog. If it’s at night I take my anxiety medication and sleep

  7. I watch cartoons, especially really idealistic and kind of goofy ones that encourage me to keep trying and just be true myself and stuff like that.

    Some favorites for dark times: The Amazing World of Gumball, Gravity Falls, and My Hero Academia.

  8. Lay in bed. Cry of course. Sometimes take a shower and then just get back in bed. Watch stuff that will make me laugh.

  9. I try a few things… walking and listening to a podcast often helps me. Crying if I need to. Hot showers and doing some self care at home – lighting some candles, doing a face mask and maybe a little chocolate, x

  10. Just cry or go through whatever emotion that is without resentment honestly it’s really hard sometimes but it’s not wrong to feel that way we all get that way sometimes. I always feel rejuvenated after I’ve flushed negative feelings out of my system, I also do a gratitude journal every day, corny yeah but honestly it’s so easy to focus on the negative because it can feel more heavy but there’s so much good and a gratitude journal really helps you remember that. 🙂

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