For context, we were married in 2016, but we’ve not seen each other since 2017 when her father made a literal attempt on my life.

I was cut off, blocked, etc at every turn, even when I was told that she wanted a divorce a few months later.

Here I am, 6 years later, and I google her name last night to try to get information on a court case I had to attend (\*very\* long story), and up pops her obituary!

Now, I’m not surprised that nobody tried to contact me. What surprises me is that I don’t feel anything. I don’t feel sad, or upset, or even mad. I’m just… free.

Is this wrong? What’s wrong with me? Multiple people have said that at some point I must have loved her enough to marry her, so what’s wrong with me now, that I don’t feel anything at all?

TL;DR: Nobody bothered to tell me my wife died a year and a half ago, and I don’t feel sad. What’s wrong with me?

  1. due to your complicated history feeling free can be the appropriate emotion for you, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  2. We’re you actually divorced, or separated? Sounds like any feelings you had for her died long before she did.

  3. Thats really strange no one contacted you. Are you legally married? Because you would be her next of kin and would have been legally bound to make the decison regarding cremation/burial.

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