Studies show that men’s testosterone levels have been declining for decades. The most prominent, a 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year.

  1. Is that a problem, or just a statistic? My response is kinda just… “ok, so what?” is there a reason to be concerned about it?

  2. It’s concerning, but I really don’t spend that much time thinking about it.

    For those curious It’s linked to the increased use of petrochemicals. Likely has implications beyond just humans.

  3. Given the HUGE variability in testosterone levels within a given man over even one day, I don’t think it really matters all that much.

    Over that same period the median age in the US has gone up by 8 years, was that controlled for?

  4. I’d like to know more but the studies so far don’t show anything or point to a factor that may lead to it. If they could say X is declining by Y rate due to Z that’d be something I’d be more interested in learning about. But the vagueness doesn’t really tell me anything. At this point it’s just another journal article out of thousands.

  5. I would have guessed rising obesity, but that was controlled for.

    [This article in GQ]( seems to blame microplastics, which have been in the news a lot since they are permeating everything, including our bodies. Microplastics could be affecting hormones.

    This isn’t a thing I worry about all the time, though. There are plenty of other reasons we should be reducing our dependence on plastic.

  6. The fact that so many people commenting saying they don’t care about this is…. I guess that’s just society now

  7. Do you mean the average rate is 1% less each year or that as a man ages, his levels drop by 1% each year? Because the latter is normal to happen.

  8. Hormone levels affect your mental health and considering society seems to be having more and more mental health problems I believe it is a huge coincidence that our testosterone levels are dropping.

  9. Not concerned. The average age has increased in the US and so has obesity while hours of pyshical activity have decreased so of course testosterone would go down.

  10. Studies I have looked at attribute the changes to 3 likely causes:

    * Increase in obesity: This concerns me.
    * Dietary changes: Also potentially concerning, deserves more research.
    * Marijuana use: Potentially concerning, but it’s an individual choice, so I don’t really care.

    Honestly, the change in testosterone itself isn’t that concerning, but I’d like to see more done to address the causes of obesity in the U.S., and I’d like us to be a bit stricter with what’s allowed in our food similar to how most European countries ban many additives that the U.S. allows.

    I think we should definitely do more research to definitively say what the causes are, and that would allow people to make educated choices about their diets and lifestyles depending on how concerned they are about low testosterone.

  11. Has it caused any problems yet?

    If yes, time for testosterone supplements. If no, then why worry?

  12. Are you an endocrinologist or medical professional who can analyze this? Me neither.

  13. Last I heard, it’s probably related to decreased smoking rates. Nicotine inhibits the body’s natural reabsorption of testosterone or something. So we may just be returning to the levels we are supposed to have.

  14. Testosterone level is raised by easting right and exercising. It’s what Michelle Obama tried to do but the right made fun of her endlessly.

    But- I think maybe there is less need for “old fashioned men”. The guys people idolized for being super manly ended up fucking up their lives and others with spousal abuse, inability to keep their dick in their pants, rape, and just fucking fighting anyone they disagreed with.

    Neanderthals don’t really fit in anymore. No one likes bosses who verbal abuse you and flip over desks or try to fuck their staff constantly. People don’t respect men or women who can’t keep their shit together.

    High testosterones levels result in rage, anxiety and irritability — and random boners.

    I’m not worried.

  15. This does not mean that 1% of people’s testosterone is disappearing every year. It probably means that 1% of people don’t work out as much as they did before or are unhealthier than before. If you still treat your body well there is no change.

    I don’t know if this is true but it is far more likely

  16. As we become a more developed nation it seems it is dropping some of the primal things that were once useful for us in life.

  17. I don’t really know too much about it other than the fact a tanning salon kicked me out when I told them I wanted to tan my balls a la Tucker Carlson.

  18. Probably has more to do with the worldwide male population being older on average every year.

  19. Didn’t even cross my knowledge until Colvert was making fun of Tucker Carlson for advocating for ball toasting.

  20. Mildly interested. Very, very mildly concerned.

    Seriously, as far as things to worry about go, I prefer to prioritize things that are known to cause harm. There are enough of them.

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