Hey, trying to make this short.

I met this guy and up till now he has been nothing but nice towards me. He gives me compliments, we talk for hours on the phone, he gives me presents, he wants to know how I’m feeling yada yada. You get the idea.

Last night we had a deep talk about him and his past “girls” – im always one to want to know about the worst you’ve ever done while dating. I feel like it’s telling me a lot about peoples characters.

So anyways. He told me some pretty serious stuff. Like telling girls he liked them, when he didn’t. Telling girls stuff he didn’t really mean and whatnot. I don’t want to be too detailed here.

He said he has changed. That he knows he fucked up back then and he feels bad about it. He said we was very young back then (like 17 to 21) and that he had other troubles in his life (legal trouble) and since that happened he changed, since he realised he was a dick head. That he really likes me and that he wouldn’t tell me all that stuff, if he wasn’t serious about me.

I’m just wondering… Is this someone you would date? Should I continue dating him or are these huuuuge red flags? Can someone actually change like that? What should I do now?

I am notorious for ignoring red flags and just looking out for how I feel about a person and I can’t live through a relationship like that again. So pls help.

  1. He is a bit on the young side for you. As a 26-year-old woman, you stand the best chance of having a healthy relationship with a man who is between the ages of 27 and 29.

  2. Personally I wouldn’t. He’s still got a developing brain — a 24 year old male is nowhere near as mature as a 26 year old female. You should date up (by 2-3 years) not down.

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