So there’s a girl in my class that I think I like. We’ve met up a couple of times after class to study together. A good chunk of the time we are talking more than we are actually working. We joke around and laugh. But whenever we do start working, it is productive and also very thoughtful. I really like her personality and I am interested in seeing where things go with her. Today, I walked her up to her car in the parking garage and she drove me back down to mine. Also, I made plans with her to grab some sushi for dinner after class next Monday. I’m not 100% sure if she is into me, but there are some things that might hint that she does like me. I don’t know too much about her yet, just the basic stuff.

What would be the best course of action to move forward with her? I don’t wanna jump into anything too soon. Any ideas or tips would help.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like you’re in college. The best course of action is to ask her directly and if she’s not into you, get rejected early so that it’s not lingering and eating you alive inside.

    Also, sushi dinner? That’s a practically dinner date. Flirt with her on the date, ask her intimate questions, break the touch barrier, and if you’re shy like I am, at the end of the date, tell her you had a great time and that you like her and want to ask her out. Good luck out there.

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