Do you still think Biden is better than Trump?

  1. Yes. I may not like him, but I will always take neoliberal incompetence over fascist incompetence.

  2. As a woman I am not currently afraid to be grabbed by my pussy by the President.

  3. Yes. I don’t think Biden is doing a great job, but he’s not a self serving narcissist.

  4. It’s nice to not wake up to headlines about the shit our president posted on Twitter, so yeah essentially.

  5. Well, I believe he actually takes the job seriously and not just as a path to financial gain and the glorification of his ego and personal legacy, so yes.

    It’s a low bar.

  6. I can tell you for as absolutely rock bottom esteem I have for Biden, he’s better than Trump.

    But in the way that a kick in the ass is better than a kick in the junk.

  7. Without a doubt. Trump denigrated the office like no other president. I voted for Biden knowing he would be a complete lame duck, and he is, and it’s still an improvement.

  8. An old shoe could do a better job than trump. So yes. It’s not a hard achievement.

  9. Absolutely, even though he kinda sucks.

    Imagine how fucked Ukraine would be if Trump was president. Like damn he probably would have armed Russia.

  10. You could have asked if the shit I just took is better than Trump, and the answer would be “yes”.

    At least my turd isn’t actively getting rich off of harming people, enriching itself at taxpayer expense, and lying every day.

    Biden has his issues, but at least he is trying his best.

  11. It baffles me that anyone would even have to ask. A sweaty gym sock would make a better president than Trump.

  12. Trump and his acolytes are traitors to the country. So, yes. Easy answer.

  13. Absolutely. Despite what Fox News, OANN, et al., say, he is not responsible for increasing gas prices, inflation, etc.

    Anything is better than a republican at this point. The fact that so many are indistinguishable from the QAnon nutcases is extremely concerning, nevermind his weird praising of Putin, backtracking, and re-praising.

    Anyone who is dumb enough to salute a North Korean general, nevermind all their other shit, should be automatically banned from running again. God help us in 2024.

  14. Of course. For one, he isn’t cozying up to dictators like Putin and Kim Jong-un.

  15. In just about every way possible.

    Most of Trump’s biggest accomplishments are pretty much the result of just not fucking up the booming economy he inherited before Covid hit.

    Years from now when the current economic situation is viewed retrospectively, I suspect that it will be actions that were taken (or not taken) during the Trump administration that were more responsible than any Biden Administration policy.

  16. Yes. Biden sucks but he meets the bare minimum for me, which is surrounding yourself with competent people. Trump staffed his administration with either family members, the biggest morons he could find, or both (looking at you Jared).

  17. Yes. Trump is a greasy and narcissistic used-car salesman who loathes the people he sells to.

  18. This place is an echo chamber… I think we know how the poll will go. For truly representative answers, polling aggregators are likely more representative. According to recent polls, no, Trump is more popular than Biden and is expected to win a match up against him rather decisively based on todays RCP averages. Snapshots in time though. Things could change dramatically between now and when it matters.

  19. Yes. Even at Biden’s worst, he still hasn’t done the grossly incompetent at best, outright evil at worst things that were a Tuesday during the Trump years; abandoning our Kurdish allies to Assad/ISIS, giving classified Israeli intelligence to Russian diplomats, siding with Putin over America at the Helsinki summit, **literally starting an insurrection at the Capitol**, etc.

    If you still don’t believe me, just know that [America’s global approval has jumped a whopping 15 points since Biden took office,]( something the US and the world desperately needs with China and Russia getting bolder and bolder.

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