Every time I order Deliveroo they just park in the parking lot of the apartment complex and call me to come out. Do they even deliver to the door any more or is this now the standard? Other delivery services (mainly pizza ones) always come to my door, so it’s not a case they can’t find it.

If there’s ever an issue with the food it’s almost always a problem with the delivery rather than the food itself. Drivers taking multiple orders so your food arrives cold.

Is there a way I can give these guys a bad rating? The app doesn’t seem to have this feature.

Edit: To clarify some things – my flat is on the first floor, 11 steps off the ground through an external staircase. They did not have trouble finding the flat number, they simply didn’t bother. At one point the guy hadn’t even reached the street and was still driving/riding when he called me to come outside.

  1. Interested to see people’s opinions here. I always go and collect from the parking lot – it saves everyone time.

    edit: Clearly I’m in the minority here. Pretty surprised.

  2. It’s just lazy delivery staff. They try it with me as well – I decline to meet them outside and tell them they can cancel the order if they refuse to deliver it. None have yet. (Good luck getting a complaint lodged and investigated!)

  3. I have the same issue. I even wrote destructions to point out the apartment block name is written above the door. All to no avail.

    I end up standing outside abs waving to them. They then ride/drive the last 50 yards to me.

    C’est la vie, as we say in Yorkshuh.

  4. they try and get me to but if i wanted to leave my flat i would. I tell them to come up and everytime they do, think its a pisstake them telling you to come down tbh

  5. They need to deliver it to your door, expecting you to go to them sorts defeats the idea of ordering food for delivery.

  6. Courier here. I deliver to door of main building as per policy of Deliveroo/uber/JE as if we go inside building we are not covered by insurance

  7. As a ddeliveroo rider I always go up to the customers door a guy shocked me yesterday when I arrived and he was in the entrance waiting for me

    Personally you pay for a service I least I can do I drop it to your door

  8. House not apartment but I find they phone me when they first drive into my street, mutter something incomprehensible, then I walk to the front door to see what’s happening, driver/rider is always on the far side of the street and they sit there expecting me to walk over to get the food so they don’t have to get out/dismount.

  9. Yes absolutely. I have the door and floor number on my delivery notes. I don’t even talk on the intercom, just buzz them up. Doesn’t give them an opportunity to tell me to come down but also none have ever tried (few couriers have tried before and I’ve said if you can’t deliver to the address listed then you’ll need to take it back and explain why).

  10. I tip a few quid for the time taken to come up to the flat, but at the end of the day, the delivery address is the home address not the car park. If I wanted to go out and get the food there’d be no Deliveroo order.

    Some message/call to come out and I just respond with directions.

  11. As you’ve already paid they have you by the bollocks and know it. You’re stuck really unless you exclusively use takeaways you can order from direct and pay cash on arrival, guarantee all those will come to the door

  12. I always went downstairs when I lived in a flat (no lift). I was actually shocked when a delivery driver made it up to my door without buzzing/calling (Indian place).

  13. Ha – Every time I order from Deliveroo I get a phone call telling me they’re parked outside. I live in a house in a cul-de-sac off an avenue. They always want me to go out and get it from them at their cars which is generally parked at the end of the avenue. I always just tell them what the house looks like, they generally thrust the food at me when I open the door.

    I don’t see why I need to go and collect the food from them when I’ve ordered something to be delivered.

  14. That’s probably why your food goes cold , as it been rejected so many times because you are difficult customer. ( post creator)

  15. I guess most people commenting on this are not fat bastards who like their food as much as me lol.

    When I order Deliveroo/Uber Earts/JustEat, I’m tracking that bloody delivery driver and will be in the road waiting for him so I get my food quick.

    Do not want to wait for him to find a space, then either call me or just wander around trying to find a way in.

    It’s much quicker for me to shoot down the stairs and be there waiting for him.

  16. I’m a Deliveroo driver and always do unless it’s not possible to get to their door (like if they live in student accommodation for example) or of course if the customer themselves has chosen to meet me outside.

    I’m afraid a lot of drivers I see are rather lazy or just dont care when it comes to even just the basics of this service (things like not zipping up their thermal bags, not separating hot and cold items if they are bagged separately by the restaurant, being rude to restaurant staff, requesting the customer comes out to their car instead of going to their door etc)

  17. Deliveroo don’t come up to my flat door, despite their being a lift. Lazy. Other takeaways have though they try not to and usually ring my mobile when they’re outside rather than ring the bloody intercom, which would allow me to at least let them in the building! I often put my phone on airplane mode when they’re nearby so they ring the intercom.

  18. By default I’m fine with delivering to the door. I’ll try my best to find somewhere to lock my bike and find the correct building/entrance/lift/floor/directions to the customer’s door. Some drivers are lazy as fuck, but customers need to put clear instructions if the building they live in is bigger than a house and doesn’t have have an obvious way in with clear signs inside to their door.

    Stupid shit has involved me going to the entrance of a block, getting up close to find it’s a fob only entrance. Then going round to the other side where there is nowhere to lock my bike. To going back again to lock my bike and walking to the actual entrance I can get in.

    That’s if buildings are actually even labelled with a name or number. And it doesn’t help if navigation doesn’t even point me to the correct building, let alone the correct entrance.

    There will only be so much wandering about I’ll do before I’ll call and tell them I can’t find the way in, usually they’ll just say they’ll come down at that point. I only ask for them to come down if it’s very late in a dodgy area or there’s nowhere to lock my bike.

  19. I do deliveroo and Just eat deliveries. I’ve had this argument with so many other drivers/riders on reddit (that it should always be delivered to the door except for student halls). Turns out that in certain cities it seems to be the done thing for the customer to come down. Don’t know how that has developed, certainly wouldn’t fly where I work in Glasgow as its pretty much all flats and everyone is expecting it to the door.

  20. Deliveroo is my second job, i will deliver to your flat in a block. I do avoid some flats as there annoying.
    But technically deliveroo policy is the entrance/lobby of the building. I don’t actually have to go inside but i do.
    I appreciate anyone who comes down.
    Its not fun in the heat of summer wearing all your motorbike gear. Having to walk up 5 flights of stairs.

  21. Are you really surprised especially when you see how deliveroo treat their staff.
    It will also do you no harm to jog down stairs to get your calorie laden food.

  22. I live in London and I always come down. I live in a second floor in a building without a lift. I do it as a courtesy, I mean, in this world if you give a little of yourself and show some appreciation for the other part this will be a better place that’s my opinion.
    I don’t even think about the fees. If they were earning 100£ ph I would still come down as I don’t see it on that perspective but I know they are not earning that figure that’s for sure.
    I also imagine that most of these guys work 9/10h a day or more. At the end of the day they would be exhausted and the job would be a pain to do.

  23. My guys usually park outside the flat, walk up and down a few times with Google maps and then get back in their car and repeat. At this point and after having a little giggle (because it happens every time) I have to go outside and meet them for them to go “oh, Flat 4 yes?”
    “No mate. I’m flat 5”

  24. If you’re in a multistorey building you should be meeting in the lobby/entrance imo.

  25. Why is everyone ITT saying parking lot like it’s normal???

    I feel like every time I look at this sub there’s Americanisms being chucked about left and right it’s mental. I’ve lived outside of the UK for nearly 10 years now, are these Americanisms really just accepted back home now?

  26. Riders are paid to the front of the building, any lift/what floor antics are not taken into account and are unpaid.

    So, as a delivery driver, thank you for being conscientious.

  27. Well .. I gotta say as a disabled person the recent boom of food delivery companies has been really helpful, from groceries to takeaway. When I’m able I do like to meet the driver at the gate save faff with the dog who thinks the dinner is for her.. but I appreciate it when a driver beats me to the door. And saves me the time of standing outside especially after sunset and the air chills. As far as I know deliverroo comes to the door I’m in the UK it may be different where you are perhaps you could ask them.

  28. I heard they are getting more like Taxi drivers every day in our area…At one time, a taxi driver would open the door for you, put your hand luggage in the boot, close the door for you…

  29. In my old flat they wouldn’t even bother to come to the front of the building, instead would sit outside a different address on the same street. Even with instructions for how to find the front of the building they just ignored it. Other delivery companies found it fine though.

    I now have a problem with UberEats where their system comes up with a different road name and postcode for my house, and giving the correct address gives the rider the wrong geolocation.

  30. One of my friends lives on the first floor in a block of flats, he hates going down to collect food and they don’t enter the property, so I helped his lazy self by showing him the ol’ bucket and rope method.

  31. In london they sometimes do but not all the time as they always 80% of the time get lose because they can’t find my house, sometimes they do two trips and have to wait 15 minutes for my order. But i’m ok with it so long the food stays warm.

  32. I usually go and collect it from the car park, it’s easier, as usually they either can’t find my block, or are too lazy to bother looking.

    (My flat is ground floor in a block of 4 flats, so basically my front door is 6 feet from the entrance door.)

    Edit: in comparison, if I order from a local takeaway rather than Deliveroo, they always buzz my door, no issues.

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