In your opinions, what are the food capitals of the US?

  1. I think every major city has their specialty. My personal favorite food city would be New Orleans. Jambalaya, seafood, beignets. So good!

  2. NYC, Washington DC, New Orelans, Houston, Los Angeles, Charleston, Chicago

    That’s a list that immediately came to mind. Las Vegas might need to go up there and I’m honestly guessing on LA. I mean, surely…

  3. Everywhere. I’ve had great food in every city and region. Food is plentiful, bountiful, and good in the us.

    Maybe not in a small town but any city has good food you just have to find it which is half the fun.

  4. New York or Washington DC. Both have a huge variety of different kinds of food, more than anywhere else.

    DC is a bit of a sleeper in this respect – people think NY or Chicago or LA when they think “cultural and food diversity” but the huge amount of people in DC from other countries at embassies and international organisations combined with the many people working in DC who have lived outside the US for many years in Military, Government, or Commercial jobs (let alone all those from other parts of the USA) means there’s a demand for food from many places and restaurants exist to meet that demand.

  5. New York is the obvious top choice. Then I would say New Orleans, LA, San Francisco, DC and Chicago.

    The only thing with New Orleans is that it is more focused on its own specific style while the other cities have more of everything.

  6. In no particular order: Philadelphia, DC, NYC, San Francisco, Miami, New Orleans.

    You’ll notice all of those are ports. New people bring new food, which mixes with local food and with other new foods.

  7. Why is this at 0 / 40%? It’s a good fucking question with assumed subjectivity, and the answer’s not obvious.

  8. I would say that every big metro area is going to have a very large selection of very diverse cuisines because of the diversity of people who live there and also for the desire of people to enjoy different cultures’ food.

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