There’s a guy in my group of friends that I used to be really tight with but recently he’s been texting me less, doing shit with me less, all that. I still think I get along great with him but there’s one guy in particular who seems to be his new go-to friend in the group and idk i just feel really unappreciated watching him pull apart from me. Anyone deal with a similar situation? How do you get through these feelings?

  1. Part of our life is accepting that we will inevitably get distant from every person we will meet. As time pass, each and one of us will grow apart from one another. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just how life is. Your friend will eventually grow from your other friend too. It doesn’t mean they don’t like you. As you said, you still get along with him.

  2. Hey, it sometimes happens and it sucks! But tell me this; do you have someone, anyone, who could replace him? The way I see it, he was your bestie, and now that he’s been distancing away, you are left without anyone. Find someone else! It may sound shitty to try and replace a friend, but my clinginess is so much weaker once I got a bunch of friends to talk with about random stuff. Imagine that every room in your flat has a water bottle vs only one room has a water bottle, so you have to stand up, go to that room, get that water while you are 38°C feverish. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? Surround yourself with water, and you won’t get thirsty.

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