I wouldn’t be happy about it.

  1. Divorce. By that point, the marriage is already in shambles so no point in dragging it out further.

  2. Personally, I wouldn’t be happy about it. Porn is different but since your paying for it and that it feels more “personal” to me, I wouldn’t like it.

  3. I would probably leave… thats way to personal for me. Its paying for a sexual relationship with another person. You can talk to them, make requests, and its just way to intimate, it would be cheating to me.

  4. Dump him.

    In 2023, women may be brainwashed to think it’s perfectly normal for their partners to spend giant chunks of time watching complete strangers naked, masturbating, teasing them; that porn is perfectly normal and healthy, that there’s no harm in following 683 strippers on onlyfans, etc etc etc.

    It’s not normal. It’s not ok. You do not have to tolerate it. Go be with someone who has some respect for your relationship.

  5. It’s a hard no. Not only that he’s doing it but that he’s doing it *knowing* how I feel on those things.

  6. Petty Answer – become a cam girl. Hey beau, I see you too!

    Realistically – End things. If they’re doing that, they don’t respect you or your relationship.

  7. I would sit him down, tell him how I feel about that (not good), and tell him he will have to earn money himself for anything fun related in future – no more fun money unless he earns it.
    Besides that he would be in a hell of trouble with me.

    Glad he’s not into such, same as porn.

  8. In our relationship anything “live” like that is considered cheating so I’d say it’s a deal breaker for me.

  9. Honestly, it would be so wildly and scarily out of character that I’d think he was having some kind of breakdown. Assuming he wasn’t and just had a total personality shift overnight, I would leave.

  10. I wouldn’t be happy about it. We’d have a discussion. We’d also probably put the laptop and our cell phones somewhere more public like the kitchen or family room when we go to bed.

  11. That would be the end of the relationship for me. I don’t care if my partner masturbates, but spending money on other women for sexual acts is a no.

  12. I agree… my bff used to cam and the difference is that men would pay her because they liked having a personal relationship with her. For her it was all about the money. She hustled these men for all they had. …Way different than simply watching porn.

  13. I would more than likely leave him! That’s just unacceptable, to me. That’s just as bad as cheating(unless it’s something you both talked about and are ok with). Down right disrespectful to their SO.

  14. Become a cam girl and start making money and see how he feels about it. Not really but it’s an interesting thought!

  15. I’d probably make fun of him for wasting money, but eh, it’s his money, so whatever.

  16. Idk I’d tell him not to waste money tbh. If he was just watching them then I wouldn’t care but the spending money part would irritate me bc it could be put to better use. Or I’d probably say go on onlyfans with a reasonable budget I guess?

  17. She’s bisexual and we both watch porn, BUT that seems expensive so that would bother me

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