In particular, the things about them that you admire. Not toxic stuff they do that makes you feel like crap about yourself …

But feel free to share if you want to vent about that too

  1. She’s aged so well.. If we separated, she’d have dudes lined up for her. I’d be alone

  2. Honestly? Nothing. I’ve been with her for seven years, married coming up three.

    From day zero, she was straight with me, told me what she wanted and I knew where things stood.

    I’ve never had a more positive relationship. I don’t trust easy and have defensive mechanisms (family issues) but I have never doubted her trust in me, fidelity, or even considered she would leave me.

    I feel secure and I trust her.

  3. She’s a really good cook and home maker. If we split, I’ll either spend all my money on eating out or live in a zero decorated house or both. That’ll go downhill real quick.

  4. Feeling obligated to someone who doesn’t act equally obligated to me. Most insecurity comes from a lack of support…. Or the expectation of a lack of support.

  5. Honestly, she’s a talented researcher for the big random shit in life. Car insurance, health insurance, buying a car, finding an oncologist, or chiropractor, reviewing colleges etc etc.

    I feel like an amateur

  6. She’s my SO precisely bc she doesn’t make me feel anything but special.

    if yours doesn’t it might be time to re evaluate her role in your life.

  7. She doesn’t understand that saying racist things against white people is really getting out of hand and that women who have gone full misandrist are trying to take over the megaphone with the #metoo movement.

    I’ve had comments directed at me for being both white and a man where I should be ashamed for who I am. She just dismisses it or says it is inconsequential. It still affects me though. I’m just supposed to take it because I can’t say anything.

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