I am (22m) have been actively having Sex from last 2 years
Total number of partners -3 but not fully satisfied with sex. I get erect and all super hard and my libido is pretty high too but all I can do is fuck her for 3-4 mins and then I cum.
And it almost takes me 15-20 mins to get aroused again I’ve tried everything natural testosterone booster, edging, thinking about something else, solving maths etc but it didn’t help. I have a good athletic shape body and my d is also good 6.5 inches and 4.8 in girth and i want to have sex for a long time. I’ve been eating healthy but not working out for the last couple of years.
Help is required in this area – hyper sensitive dick, as soon as i enter the piv i feel this hotness on my dick and i cum after 5-10 strokes, need to get it up early after the 1st round and sometimes i don’t feel having sex at all after round 1.
I want to satisfy my girlfriend and need permenent solution 🥺 ive tried oral, fingering and all but i know she needs piv please help.

  1. How often do you masturbate? However much it is, you may want to do it even more to lessen your sensitivity.

  2. I can’t believe I’m commenting but oh well. I’m an older woman. I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Most men I’ve ever been with throughout my life (so all ages) take 15 to 20 min to recuperate even at their best. Some can only do it once a sex session.

    The best sex partners I’ve ever had are ones that spent more time doing other things (think mouth and hands). So a longer pre piv session doing other things and then during your rest period as well. If your wanting to “take her to pound town” longer than the 4 min there is also a desensitizing spray or cream you can get that kind of numbs you so you last longer. I also think the more regular sex you have it seems like a man is able to lay longer as well. You could also try edging to see if that helps.

    My adult kids are so really comfortable talking to me about their issues so this is what I would tell them if they needed advice. The fact that you’re more worried about pleasing your partner than yourself is a concept a lot of guys miss so you’re definitely on the right track!

  3. An SSRI antidepressant like Sertraline can give you anorgasmia, basically you cannot cum

  4. Orgasm happens first in the brain

    You must relax, calm your mind because you are in your head trying not to cum and thus taking you out of the moment.

    Be aware of your sensations listen to them once you tense up and your breathing shortens you have lost.

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