
  1. Stopped smoking 5 years ago.

    Started dedicating 30 min each day to learning something new. I am now conversational in Spanish and know so much more about how the world works. I’m with you, it feels small but has been life changing.

  2. I stopped smoking 5 years old last December and I’ve started walking an hour every single day to help with my mental health.

  3. I managed to kick my alcoholism and binge drinking about 7 years ago, able to drink responsibly and in moderation nowadays and just enjoy it without problems.

    Good habit has been taking mental health breaks when I need them. Improved my life so much more to just acknowledge things are too much and I need a day or two off.

  4. I was a kratom (opioid) user for 10 years. In the last 2-3yrs of my addiction, my usage skyrocketed from “once a week on a weekend to relax” to enormous doses 3x per day, can’t socialize without it, can’t work without it, can’t sleep without it, etc. Nasty, nasty habit. Expensive, too. . tens of thousands of dollars down the drain.

    March 17, 2022 was the first time in a long time that I had gone 24hrs without kratom, and I am now over 1month sober. Before this, I hadn’t gone 1month without kratom since 2014.

    Good habit I’ve implemented? I walk 2 miles every day no matter what.

  5. I’m 8ish months purge free (after struggling with type 2 anorexia for almost 2 decades). Decided to stop overnight once I turned 27… with the exception of a few slip ups, it’s going well ! Still doesn’t feel real lmao. Have also quit cigarettes this year !

    A good habit… ummm… I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier (even if I can’t fall asleep, I’ll still try to switch off).

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