for context, about 2 weeks ago i told my boyfriend ( of 7 months ) something about me and he responded “idk how to feel about you anymore”. we are still together and dating, but every text i send gets a 1 word reply. i haven’t seen an “i love you” or “i miss you” or any sort of affection towards me. we have not called since then. he has not asked me about myself or my day. he doesn’t tell me good night anymore. idk what to do or how to feel. i’ve just been spending this time crying a every day because it genuinely is making me feel like crap.
i don’t feel loved, but i don’t want to like leave because i still love him dearly and i care about him. i just feel so alone, like i have no one to talk to.
any type of advice please?

  1. sounds like he’s checking out of the relationship and i’m really sorry to hear that:/ you should tell him your thoughts and suspicions about his feelings about you and see what he says. Or just end the relationship because it seems pretty clear that he’s checking out and doesn’t feel the way he felt from the beginning. Hope you feel better and best of luck!

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