Today in class, a girl passed me (m17) a note that said she thinks i’m cool and she wants to be friends. I didn’t see her, but she wrote her name. The problem is that I’m a really boring person and I don’t have any other friends or social skills, so I don’t want to scare her away. I feel like I kind of already made things awkward by not replying to her in any way, but I didn’t see what she looked like. Any advice would be appreciated 🙂

  1. Hey OP, bloody hell that’s cute haha – that girl has guts!

    Why do you think you’re a boring person? This girl you speak of finds you cool – she even wrote you a note by hand to let you know dude!

    If it were me I’d be responding back to her and building on that – it’s a great conversation starter and an opportunity to meet someone new to widen your social circle. She is doing the same and is inviting you to be part of her circle

    All the best and good luck OP!

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