I escaped an abusive relationship and was fortunate to have some amazing support from a domestic abuse service and was placed in a refuge, despite fears over not being supported due to being lesbian and my abuser being female.
Police have also been supportive, and they pushed for me to press charges due to the disturbing nature of evidence they found and CID involvement.

Crown Prosecution Service said they weren’t going to pursue due to being in a relationship at the time, we weren’t but in my opinion it shouldn’t matter. Leaving is always the most dangerous time and this was definitely true for me.

Anyway the officer and the Sgt pushed for me to appeal as my statement clearly said we were over and I was trying to leave, and as the deadline was looming I agreed.
My life has drastically improved, but now I feel I’ve regressed. I’m not sleeping as I’m anxious, or if I do I have nightmares. It’s 6.30am and I’ve not slept due to crying. They will make a decision by the 8th so I feel I’m on pins waiting. Wtf do I do to get through this

TLDR I’m an anxious mess while I wait for a decision on if abuse will be prosecuted. How do I calm my tits

Tried to be vague but if my ex reads this she will know it’s about her

1 comment
  1. I would definitely press charges. It’s a horrible thought that you had to go through that, and that your ex could effectively “get away” with it. Let them face the punishment they deserve.

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