Hello does anyone know how I can be more assertive and be the type that isn’t a giant blabbermouth? I’m a very big wimp. I get anxiety easily like this is just an example because I’m experiencing it right now. I called my carrier couple days ago and they were doing something for me without all this extra hassle. I’m calling again for the same thing explaining to this lady I don’t need to give her an email or any unnecessary information because my problem lies with the carrier and the other guy didn’t ask for all this info but she was like I still need it. I wanted to tell her never mind I don’t need your help but then i froze and I ended up giving it to her. Like even when people tell me I don’t have to do or say something and I know I shouldn’t I most of the time end up doing it and regret it. How can I not be this way? I’ve been told it gets easier with time and experience but i haven’t seen any noticeable difference because I’m still like this :/

1 comment
  1. Hey OP, there’s plenty of ways you can build confidence and the example that you’ve shared seems to be based around communication.

    My suggestion specific to your example:
    – have a clear picture in mind of what it is you’d like to achieve from the conversation (your purpose) and try to explain this to the other person as effectively as possible.
    – misunderstandings can happen. Stay true to your purpose which is to paint a clear picture for the other person what it is you are trying to achieve in the conversation. Keep in mind that if you become frustrated in the process and give-up explaining it can become equally frustrating for the other person too. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need things clarified.
    – a conversation goes both ways so ensure you are respectful to the other person by listening and taking into consideration the things they are saying (they have their own purpose in the conversation too). Especially when dealing with service providers, their purpose is to help you and offer you information / solutions. It’s standard practice for them to confirm identity before they divulge further information and this process exists to protect you from having your information leaked to someone who’s not authorised.

    I understand your example was an interaction over the phone however you can apply and put into practice the same principles in any type of communication to help build and develop your confidence in this area.

    All the best and good luck OP!

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