Im in college and am almost 20 and also extremely shy. I dont talk to or look at anyone even as i feel like im harassing them so i just keep to myself during class and arround campus. I just go to class, study, work out, game and go to bed. I do a fencing club as well twice a week but i never talk in there either.

I see girls i think are cute but im terrified to talk to them. I feel guilty for even wanting to talk to them because it is shallow that im only talking to them based on their looks right? I dont know them.

Im also really bad at holding conversation too. I forced myself to talk to a girl from class while we are in the elevator and i just managed to get out 1-3 word responses and i probablly made her mad. I never know what to say.

1 comment
  1. Can I ask why you think you’re a bother to everyone? Most people probably aren’t thinking of you as harshly as you are thinking of yourself. Cut yourself some slack.

    If you can find a way to be more comfortable around people, maybe a similar area of interest or something you can talk about confidently, then I would imagine you’ll open up more. I think you’ll be surprised that people will be happy to talk to you.

    My biggest pieces of advice would be to relax, Make eye contact, and try to have a little confidence in yourself.

    Also, when I say ‘make eye contact’ I mean, try to read the person you’re talking to. If they look relaxed then you probably aren’t bothering them or harassing them.

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