What secret are you keeping from your friends? Why?

  1. I don’t share everything about me to anyone except for my wife. Not everyone deserves to know me

  2. I’m heterosexual, my friends don’t accept it cuse they’re playing paladins in WoW

  3. Last year was the closest I’ve ever come to self-deleting.

    They can’t help, because they’re not even in the same city as I am, anymore, so there’s no reason to tell them.

  4. I was afraid to tell my friend that I became abstinent and I stopped doing drugs because I knew he would be mad about it but I told him

    He mentioned that I have the most craziest level of willpower

  5. Don’t really have any secrets other than my sex life and that’s just more private than anything

  6. That his long time girlfriend (ex now) tried to bed me, and another of his friends right after they broke up. The break up already fucked him up pretty badly, I was worried that if I told him, it would push him over the edge, and cause him to do something he couldn’t undo.

  7. I live in an Arab country. I did not tell them that I am an atheist and non-Muslim.

  8. How I actually feel. I’ve got problems that I have no intention of sharing with people.

  9. I found out last week that i have chronic kidney failure, and its not looking too good as far as my future is concerned. I haven’t told any of my friends. Mainly because its just too heavy. And I don’t want to drop nothing heavy on them.

  10. Nice try, Bill. I’m not telling your where I buried that jar of gold coins. You lost it to me fair and square, and I even warned you how shit your poker face was before we started.

  11. I wish I could just die soon in a natural way. I don’t like to go through life even though my life seems nice on the outside.

  12. That most of them are not my real friends just people i hang out with because they cant be trusted

  13. I keep my depression from my friends. They don’t understand it at all so I don’t share anymore. They think I’m way more okay than I am.

  14. How much I hate myself, people always think I’m very energic causa my routine is really full of stuff.
    The less free time i have, less time I have to fall in self hate, so is kinda better?

    I don’t really want to tell this to anyone, I’ve already tried sometimes but opening up doesn’t seem to be my cup of tea.

  15. That the reason I don’t talk to them a lot is because I’m not into the same things anymore or had enough of them. They’re always asking me when I’m getting back on Discord, but I usually just tell them I will at some point. I have almost no interest. Also, a lot of them haven’t changed in any way since middle school. They’re still very immature, some are extremely political or religious, and one keeps asking if I’ll leave my job so I’ll have less to worry about for more time online.

    I’m not exactly the most mature person ever, nonreligious and don’t care about politics, and I love my job. I just don’t want every conversation to be about vaccine propaganda or if Jesus was black, white, or even existed. There’s a limit.

    Finally, one kept asking for money. Almost daily. I never even sent him money to begin with. It’s always “bro, can you spot me $20 for gas money”, “hey man, I need $30 to finish off my light bill”, or “dude, it’s just $100. I’ll give it back.”

  16. I’m interested in Christianity. My house hold is very anti-religion. The thing is, if I tell them I’m scared they’ll think I judge them or something. I don’t. I just want to find a reason for all my pain in this world.

  17. I’m actually pretty lonely a lot of the time. When I’m out with people I’m usually the life of the group and the socialite. But, I feel lonely more times than I care to admit. Even surrounded by friends, you can still feel… alone

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