so i don’t know how to start basically. i had these two friends when i was young since 4th grade when i was like 13 years maybe. we were a trio and they were closer together than me and i was okay with that. my school was small and when we got to 6th grade. i introduced them to two other classmates. we weren’t too close. so we made a group together and we became friends. Suddenly I was excluded from between them and they had another group without me. I thought it is okay it doesn’t matter i still had my two friends so i didn’t care much but when we went to school after the holidays which like 3 months after. the dynamics changed so much. My friend which was i was the closest \[lets call her B\] to suddenly didn’t care much about me like they became more important. As i mentioned above that they had a gc without me they kept secrets from me and when it was time for the break they would talk about things from the group in front of me . i had to ask them every couple minutes about what they are talking about.they didn’t care if i knew about gc. so this was like in middle school. That time was bad like I would go to sleep after crying everyday. so at high school the friend that was the closest to me changed school so i was like this is a fresh start. maybe i was wrong and i didn’t try enough to. but still they would exclude me. so i was like it is okay they have their secrets they didn’t want to share with me but the thing is that there was this girl that they hated in middle school. After her friend moved school too she became close with the ‘ALPHA’ the girl which they all like and dependent on whom i clashed and talked back at each other. back to what i was saying so this girl that they hated became pretty close to the alpha so they became close with her ,all of them and the last thing that happened that they all went out together to hang out. Mind you that we are all in senior year so i can’t go out so i mentioned to them a lot of time to go out and they are like we are busy and there is no time and to my surprise the girl that i spend most of the time \[lets call her J \] called me in the morning that we have a lesson with each other to tell me that this girl that they hated before and became friends after \[ lets call her v\] had a course before the lesson and that she would be late so they would go in another day and to my surprise they all went out together an they posted a story on insta but they they forgot to hide it i guess from me and the girl that called me wasn’t on it so they deleted like 10 min after i saw it on the basis that they said smth inappropriate on it. I saw them the day after and kept on telling me this story that they made up that the 3 of them were going out meanwhile the six 0f them were there and the girl who called me pretended that she weren’t there. I was heavily upset for like a week and my studies went downhill for like a week or two. i guessed on the basis that the girl who was the alpha broke up and she wanted to tell them details that she didn’t want to say in front of me but again she could have just called them. so after two weeks after they posted pics for her birthday and i am upset again like reallly baddd. so she talked to me inviting me to her house with the others and i dont know if i should go and honestly dont know how to deal with them

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