This post is for dudes who’ve been in a cooch. Idc what your pronouns are if you’ve been in multiple cooch you answer this question.

I am a woman and I wonder what our texture feels like to you guys. Do we have different textures? Different feels? What do you prefer? My husband says it’s warm. Not very specific lol also I am his only and vice Versa.

I wanna hear!

  1. Its been many moons, as Ive been with my partner for ages, but yes in my opinion, they all felt warm and moist to wet, but different in shape, tightness and texture in slightly different locations. Especially labia and the g spot varied a fair bit.

  2. All are warm.
    Some are more fragrant (not taking odor, talking about their scent)
    Differing degrees of moistness.
    Never noticed a variation of texture.

    Oh… and the clit is never in the same spot!

  3. My experience is that my penis — and here I need to make clear that I am speaking, and *can* only speak, for myself — is not sensitive enough to really detect the minor changes in texture from one woman to another. That’s why if you look at, for instance, Fleshlight textures, they’re all pretty dramatic — significantly more dramatic than anything a real vagina would be. It *needs* to be that dramatic for the penis to really perceive it.

    Again, I can only speak for myself on this subject. It’s not like I’ve ever had a chance to wield someone else’s penis.

  4. The penis doesn’t sense like a finger. Think of it like giving caveman signals.

    warm or cold, wet or dry, tightness (pressure or more friction) or not tight? And it likes friction, but not too much friction. My penis certainly can’t tell the difference between texture.

    From using my fingers, it’s probably about the same.

  5. Yes. Y’all have different textures on your tongues and the inside of your mouths, too.

    Still, so far, every woman I’ve ever felt has had a texture that was recognizably that of a tongue or the inside of her cheek or the inside of her vagina.

  6. Inside the actual vagina I’ve encountered 2 textures. One is uniformly smooth throughout. Others have a ridgy texture on the upper roof near the g spot. Some of these are brief encounters in my 20s. I often wonder if the ridges are part of a cycle of rejuvenation. If I met up with the same women at a different time of the month would it be smooth? These differences are minor. Only noticed by my finger. Nothing bad about either

  7. Just as all vulvas and penis’ look different so does the “feel” of the inside. Unique to the individual

  8. I would concerned if your lady bits weren’t warm. Haha your husband is a as vague as my bf 😂

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