I’m struggling to find a sort of general guideline around this or figure it out myself so I wanted to ask on here.

We teach kids “sharing is caring” and all that. There’s always seems to be a heavy emphasis on sharing (almost to the point of sharing without hesitation) and no lesson taught on when it’s okay to say no. Personally I’ve not really seen a distinction made between what’s being selfish and what’s just not wanting to share.

So yeah I just wanted to get some thought on here about what being selfish actually is and when it’s okay to say no vs when you should share whatever is being asked from you.

  1. Sharing is an important part of healthy relationships but it’s also important to set boundaries and take care of yourself!

    First, consider the context of the situation. If the request is fair and not asking “too much” from you, it’s probably a good idea to share. OTOH, if the request is unreasonable or puts you in a difficult position, it’s okay to decline.

    Next, consider the relationship between you and the “requester”: If they are a close friend or family, they likely have your best interests in mind. However, if they are a stranger or acquaintance, it may be more appropriate to decline.

    Finally, consider your own needs: If you feel comfortable with the request, then it’s probably right to share. If the request makes you uncomfortable or violates your boundaries, values etc.. it’s perfectly okay to say no.

  2. When it comes to the workplace, do not discuss religion or politics. I cannot emphasize this enough.

  3. depends on if its comfortable, you can always just say “im not comfortable sharing that”

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