I’m a 20yo bisexual guy and I’m trying to get a gf for the first time but I have no idea what they like or how to talk to them. Hopefully there’s some girls here that can give me advise or guys with gfs🥺

  1. Your goal is all wrong! You don’t want to “get a girlfriend” just for the sake of it, it’s not a video game achievement. You find someone you click with and eventually you agree that you want to be in a relationship. It’s all about the chemistry and the interaction.

    So put yourself in places where you can meet women you have stuff in common with and make friends with them. Eventually someone will click and you’ll hang out away from the group and evolve from there.

    You don’t need to figure out special ways to talk to women. You can talk to us like normal people! It helps to have stuff in common to talk about though.

  2. well be prepared the fact you are bi will turn off most women. Maybe a bi or poly woman?

  3. Bro no one has that answer lol
    Girls and guys are always on the same thoughts we just say them differently and most Girls stall like crazy just to try figuring a guy out
    If there is anything advice I can share it’s the conversation that has her come back and you know then she is into you as for ur approach only u know u!
    Some of us guys are risky and like it and others never want others to know they have gone after a particular individual so that’s part is on u lol
    But ull know from that continued conversation, it’s all practice and failing and succeeding then it just works (meaning finding someone you enjoy to.be around)

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