I need advice

I’ve (M20) been dating this girl (F21) for 13 months now and our relationship was the best thing I had going for me. For the first year, it was the greatest relationship, especially at the end of 2022. We hung out all the time, talked for hours every night, talked constantly at school, and texted and snapped all day.But then randomly, around Christmas, she kinda became distant.

She stopped wanting to FaceTime every night, stopped snapping me a lot, and whenever we’re talking and one of her friends comes up, she immediately leaves our conversation to go talk to them. I kinda realized all this was happening when it started a month ago, but I didn’t do anything because I was so worried to mess it up. The past week though, she’s barely talked to me, whether it’s at night or in person and she always has an excuse for why she can’t at night.

Last night, before I went to bed I asked her if we could please FaceTime tonight and said that I feel like we haven’t talked like we used to. I feel like this should’ve gotten her attention and made her want to talk tonight, but then after a day of barely talking, I texted her pretty early, at 9, and she never responded. I ended up sending two more texts at 10:30 and then 11 basically saying I still want to talk and then later saying I’m going to bed. I don’t know what to do at this point and I’m worried she lost feelings which I can’t figure out why. Any advice on what I should do next?

TL;DR The girl I’ve been dating for over a year randomly became distant and I don’t know what I should do about our relationship

1 comment
  1. What you need to do is make sure you are busy doing things that are good for you, as a routine. Spend time with friends. Exercise. Avoid obsessing and trying to over examine what is going on, but instead reconnect with yourself and with the friends that you might have neglected a bit in favour of this girl.

    Can you pick up a new and interesting hobby? You need to get passionate about some things that are not her to give yourself other outlets and to remain fresh and interesting.

    Some stuff may have happened or be going on for her right now. Don’t assume the worst, don’t become needy. Needy men are not appealing to women. Be kind, be supportive..be self sufficient. If she needs your help, help. If she needs a little space without you becoming another mental burden, give her that cheerfully.

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