Are you going to watch the video of the murder of Tyre Nicholas when it is released? Why will you watch it or avoid it?

  1. It seems pretty cut and dry.

    The cops are fired and arrested. They killed a guy.

    Only if there is controversy and there are 2 sides would I feel compelled so I could make a decision for myself.

    From the sounds of it it would be way too upsetting. I don’t like seeing people get hurt – never mind beaten to death. Not an innocent guy like him, not a criminal, no one – not my thing.

  2. I have no need to see a man brutally beaten to death. It is important, however, to release footage of this type of official wrongdoing to the public. It should not be covered up and this kind of visceral footage can be a catalyst for change.

  3. I think regardless of whether I want to see it or not, I will be virtually unable to avoid it.

    Transparency of public authority figures matters though, so this is preferable to the alternative.

  4. I might, it depends. I’ve seen bad stuff before. I likely will only watch a brief bit of it.

  5. I saw Rodney King when it was released, I think I’ll pass on this one. At least Rodney lived to say ” why can’t we get along”. I’ve never encountered a bad cop, but there was a small town cop 15 miles away rumored to handcuff people and then beat them up. A couple of people that were in the woods hunting saw him do it one time; he committed suicide before they could lock him up

  6. No, but I live in the Memphis metro, so I’ll be paying attention, and will continue following the case. Hopefully those pieces of shit are put behind bars.

  7. I probably will. I don’t exactly trust the media to give a complete and objective view of situations like these. I reserve my judgment until I’ve seen the evidence myself, because I think that’s the responsible thing to do.

  8. Eventually I probably will. I didn’t watch Floyd’s murder until weeks after the release, I was like “Damn, they cold blooded murdered that guy.” It wasn’t like I needed to see it to know it was wrong, but I feel like I should for the same reason they should release the Uvalde and Sandy Hook crime scene photos. You need to ***see*** what those weapons do to a small body. It isn’t sexy like they make it in movies, it isn’t friggin gun-fu in John Wick. It is dirty and debasing and gross. We have got to, as a society, remove the romance around violence.

  9. I haven’t decided if i’m gonna watch it yet. The cops were fired and all charged with 2nd degree murder. So far so good.

    Not sure what i’ll gain from watching it other than hatred towards men who’ve already been charged.

  10. No. Don’t know what happened and don’t particularly care to be honest. I’m sure it’s a sad situation, but horrible shit happens all around the world everyday and people don’t care. We can’t emotionally invest ourselves in every tragedy that happens.

    My outlook towards life is seeing the beauty in it, not humanity’s worst

  11. I do not see any pros in me watching a man getting beaten to death. I only see cons to my mental and emotional health.

    If people feel the need to watch it they may but I don’t want to see anyone die.

  12. Eventually. Given the extremely unusual speed of those cops being fired and charged, I’m interested in what is so different with this one.

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