So I have a good friend he’s almost 25 yrs old. I am 22.5 yrs old. We are hanging out from time to time.
Lately when we meet and we talk about girls and stuff, he’s acting like he’s the god of dating and he already knows everything about women and he just cancels everything I say when we talk about women. Now listen. This guy is almost 25 and he’s only girlfriend was a weirdo girl from the freaking psych ward that looks like my grandma. That was he’s only relationship ever.
I, am not a virgin, although I never had a girlfriend before, I had a few stuff and it happened more than once when girls approached me and showed interest in me flirting and even giving me their phone number. My friend, which is almost 25, is trying to teach me his stupid ass advices which are clearly stupid sometimes, and he always thinks he knows better than me and when I tell him listen man u can’t just approach a random girl and ask her number IMMEDIATELY without engaging in conversation first. U have to talk a bit before just asking her number. No wonder u get rejected time after time. Instead of this, what u need to do is start just talking with girls and flirting and improve ur talking/socialising skill with them. At least some sort of conversation between u two must happen. U literally can’t approach a girl and ask her for her number without u even talked even a little bit! It’s fucking ridiculous. And no fucking wonder he gets rejected, ignored, time after time. And when I told him that, he was like “NO NO NO NO NO listen to me alright” in attitude of like “learn from the master” and he said like literally I need to watch him and learn from him how to approach girls, while this mtf doesn’t even know how to talk to a female 😂 like wtf, it’s ridiculous. He always saying listen I’m dressing better than u girls will want me more, he always but always find a way to “teach” me his “lessons” about girls. Today was even worse. Idk how, but when we met, we were wearing very similar clothes, yet, he found a way to tell me I’m not dressing well. We wear like almost identical. He always finds a way to tell me my shirt doesn’t look good, girls will not look at me if I’m wearing this shirt or this shirt, and I need to learn from him how to dress. Just a stupid fucking virgin he doesn’t even know how to talk to a female meanwhile I’m trying to learn more and understand more about dating and all he does is canceling every word I say. Today I was practicing more in getting more comfortable with women, start a conversation, getting over the fear of approaching a girl, just talking to them, laughing, and just feel more comfortable with them. That’s already a good start in my opinion. While I did that, and I told him he needs to do that too, he got really angry that I’m telling him what to do especially on this topic of girls. And while I:
-Gained the experience
-Got more comfortable with women
– approached women and started talking.
He was:
Going to random girls that don’t even know him and he never met before or met maybe once a few months ago, and immediately told her hey I think you’re beautiful can I get ur number.🤓🤓🤓 That’s a good thing to do AFTER u at least talked for a bit, not out of nowhere!! It’s good that he has the courage to tell her she’s beautiful and ask her number, but goddamn, start talking to her a bit, and don’t start with getting her number at first. It’s like his pick up line. “Hey I think you’re beautiful can I get ur number” but other than that he doesn’t know how to talk/flirt/make her interested/make her laugh and he doesn’t even know what to say he just knows one sentence can I get ur number. The girl probably think like who r this man wtf. He gets rejected 100% of the times. At least talk for a bit before asking her number. That’s what I told him but he was acting like no u need to learn from me u need to watch me and learn. Anyway what do I do with this mtf I’m tired of that kid. He always thinks his much much better than me and he keeps cancelling every word I say even if it’s really true. I also noticed when we worked out he literally can’t tolerate the idea of me doing more pulls ups than him. He feels like he must be above me. He will give all he can to feel above me and act above me and tell me I need to learn from him. Get the fuck out of my life stupid jerk. Why am I even friend with this douchebag. What do I do next time he texts me to hang out. Idk what to do with that. Should I end this friendship?

1 comment
  1. >Get the fuck out of my life stupid jerk. Why am I even friend with this douchebag… Should I end this friendship?

    I think you know the answer.

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