We have been out multiple times but lately she seems to busy. When asking for a day to get together she says she can’t and never offers another day. Should I just reply with ok and leave her be?

  1. Lady here. Honestly, I think she’s not interested anymore. You could either approach it head on and just ask her, or just send “okay! Maybe another time.” And just move on.

  2. I would leave her be and pull back on texting. If she’s too busy to hangout then she doesn’t have enough time to text. I wouldn’t offer to take her out on a date, let her bring it up in the future next time. Next time she wants to hangout have it at your place.

    You’re low priority on her list unfortunately op. Other dudes are taking up her free time. Also op I wouldn’t put that much effort into a single mother. If she wants to hang cool, but don’t ask her out more then once.

  3. I have a friend that is also busy. I wanted to see her but she was constantly busy and had to reschedule a couple of times, so I said fine, I am more flexible so hit me up when you have time.

    She didn’t respond since.

  4. My man, I’ve been looking at your post history. Leave her man. I promise you’ll feel better in the long term

  5. If she’s not making an effort to be with you then she’s most likely lost interest.

    Let it go, let her go, and if she actually wants to be with you then let her take the initiative and reach out to you.

  6. Just look for someone else bro. Leave her a “cool. Hit me up if you want to chill when you have more time 🍻” and just forget about her.

    Then if she does ever hit you back up to chill and you feel like hanging out, go for it. But DO NOT cancel any of your plans to make room for hers. Let the hangouts happen on a time that’s convenient for you too. Obviously she just wants casual friendship if that’s what she’s hitting you with.

  7. you don’t.

    you stop bothering her, bro.

    She’s rejecting you. Move on. She might have done that before but this time she might have met a guy she really like, so you suggest another day, and if she can’t, just give up and go meet other women.

  8. Holy shiz dude you’re having a mental breakdown everyday with a new post about this girl it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. Move on man move on!!!!!! I can see why she left you alone you’re way to creepy and obsessive.

  9. Imagine some sweaty dude blowing her back out while she moans his name, while she is getting railed her phone lights up with a text notification from you. She ignores it and continues getting plowed six different ways to Sunday. Eventually he finishes all over her face and he gets up to clean himself off by walking to the bathroom. She checks her phone and reads your text message, rolls her eyes and walks into the bathroom to clean herself off from the semen shower that has her more sticky than a warm Cinnabon.

    Fuck her bro, dip.

  10. Text “ok no problem, we can hang out another day”

    And then that’s it. Don’t talk to her anymore. Ball is now in her court. If she reaches out, then you can schedule something. If not, then you never talk again.

  11. Holy Shiz. You’ve been asking this for two months since the second date. When was the last time you even saw this girl? Either you haven’t for quite some time as your post history says in which case you aren’t even in the game and are just being weird. OR you have continued seeing her and have been weird and insecure while still see her, in which case stop being weird. So, in both scenarios, stop being weird.

  12. Woman here. She’s too timid to tell you she’s not interested. Don’t reply and move on with your life

  13. I feel like if she told you straight up that she’s not interested in you, you would wonder what that means.

  14. She doesn’t like you, move on.

    Edit: after viewing your post history, you need some fucking therapy, and to never speak to this poor girl again.

  15. My man! From what the community says about your posts here, the only person you should be asking a date to get together is the psychiatrist!

    You need some help dude!

  16. **Edit**: I just found out you posted about this 33 times over the course of an entire year. You should not be dating anyone until you very seriously and honestly pursue therapy. You’re obviously in real distress. I’m sorry. I know that dating is maddening. But you are not going to get what you want unless you actually address the problem, and it’s not her, it’s you.

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