I[16M] have seen this girl[16F] at school everyday since school started and I’ve always thought she was super cute. I found her Instagram not too long ago (a little less than a week ago) and I’ve been having really good convo with her. She seems genuinely interested in the convo.

The thing is, I’ve seen her in person since we started texting (her fifth period is next door to mine and she waits for her friend who‘s in my class before lunch) but I’ve pretended I didn’t see her every time talking to my friend. She’s one of the few people I get genuinely nervous around, most people I can talk to no issue. I start shaking a bit near her which is rare.

I wanna talk to her tomorrow, but I don’t wanna fumble. Idk what to say either, I can say hi or ask how her day’s been. Idk what to say, and I know girls can easily tell when someone’s interested in her friend so I don’t want that to happen. Any advice?

  1. Just keep telling yourself that you’re not nervous. It sounds stupid but it can help. Just convincing your brain that you’re confident even if you’re not will help you act more confident.

  2. It’s okay to be a little nervous. It’s ok to fumble. I’d say rather, focus on taking any fumbles in stride and have a good time and conversation with your date! Good luck 😁

  3. You’re already talking to her over IG. So you already have a bunch of topics to talk about. Just nut up and tall to her irl.

  4. Take a deep breath, breathe out, then just go up to her and say hi. Let the conversation flow from there. Talk about your classes, teachers etc. each time after that it will get easier

  5. At your age you’re easily beating the competition just by being willing to talk to her in person and not hiding behind a screen. You got this, but if it doesn’t go well at least you have practice. 🙂

  6. Tell her you feel lame that you never talked to her in person but its hard not to cause she is so cute. I feel jealous for you cause this monent of innocent shakes when you go for a girl is like flushed out from me. Also you need to think about a date idea. I invited a muslim girl out but didnt realize she couldnt be seen in public with a non-muslim.

  7. If you want you can give her a little hint like “hey I’ve seen you in school that day. Next time I see you I’ll say hi” and you can see how she reacts (but don’t overthink, nobody hates a little hi). Also even if you’re nervous don’t worry about it. I feel like many girls find it cute if someone is nervous around us. It might even make for a cute moment. Give it a go! There’s no losing here. Goodluck!

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