me (m/22)

imma keep it short

been in a 2.7 y old relationship with a person with borderline 7-8 weeks ago ( toxic, dependent of another, she had issues with porngraphie, demisexual, doe to fear of my life [recieved deaththreats] and 2 keep my ex partner from being hurt, i lied to her about my porn consumption [some days multiple times, other times multiple days w/o masturbation, feel not addicted, yet i simply like it, but i am thinking about trying nofap], confessed to her about my porn usage , after 2 years, we broke up, was 7-8 weeks in therapy because of selfhate etc. and me feeling guilty
about lying

now i met someone over instagram that i am really interested in, we seem to match up very great so far, same humor, same interests etc.
it’s clear that we both like eachother in some way and we only live 5min away, therefore we are gonna be meeting up soon

fast foward, i was watching porn and masturbating today as she asked what i am doing, in fear of scaring her away, i just said watching videos and chilling, ( i developed a hard hard guilt about lies), we are not dating yet, and i will probably have a convo w/ her about porn and me lying to her in that moment

i simply am dmgd from my last relationship, and hate myself for lying in the past therefore, i am questioning my morals after just a small lie already

do you think it’s okay to withhold that information, i mean we aren’t dating yet, and it would have been weird for me to just say what i was act. doing because we didn’t talk about masturbstion and pornographie yet

seeking approval :/ ty in advance

  1. I mean, that isn’t a big deal if you don’t want to talk about fapping but it’s natural to do so. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Also, there’s nothing wrong with watching porn. It’s okay. I would also consider giving the pg version not lying. It’s really more like you’re not oversharing tbh

  2. I would be really thrown off if a guy I had just been talking to and never met in person told me he was jerking off when I asked a question like what are you doing. It’s good you didn’t tell her you were masturbating. I wouldn’t even consider it a lie since you were watching a video. I think it’s great you want to be completely honest in your future relationships! This little piece of information withholding is totally fine imo.

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