How does your partner show you that they miss you, without saying it?

  1. I went out of town a couple weeks ago. We don’t live together. While I was gone, he cleared out two of his kitchen cabinets and went grocery shopping for the groceries he knows I like and filled the cabinets. Then he sent me a picture of it with no caption. I knew he missed me, but I didn’t know he missed me to the “let me make room for you in my house” degree.

  2. He texts me to check on me, he’s not huge on words so I know that with every “what are y’all up to” or photo of our cats, he’s telling me he misses me.

  3. He cleans the house, gets my fave groceries, and has dinner organized for when I come back.

  4. It usually takes him a couple days to actually miss me if we’re apart. At that point if he doesn’t tell me he misses me, he’ll text me more, want to call more, tell me the things he can’t wait to do when he sees me etc.

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